STX-RC Levers/Shifters


Retro Newbie
Hi, recently I've had a pair of STX-RC brake levers and shifters come into my possession. They are a bit battered but the brake levers look like they just need a good clean and they'll be fine. The shifters seem click up and down through the gears ok, but the previous owner has snipped the cables off. I really want to open them up and give them a good clean but I'm not sure the best way into them and have visions of opening them up and springs and cogs flying everywhere. They have two small screws on the top and what looks like a rivet to connect them to the brake lever and on the bottom theres a screw to one side and a hex bolt through the middle. Does anyone have any experience with these and how to go about cleaning them? Or even just how to attach a new shifter cable?

I've added some pictures below.


Just get some car brake cleaner and give them a liberal blasting and work them up and down the gears.

Then use GT85 or similar to lube when the brake cleaner has dried up. Will be good as new.

They are not worth the faff in taking them apart.
Thanks for the link Zas Kar, but it doesn't really show the internals or how they go together, and mine are MC33's although I'm sure they are similar.

Thanks for the advice was8v, I was starting to think that myself, but how do I replace the cables? Surely they have to be attached inside somehow? I might just take the plunge and open them up I'm quite happy to just hacksaw the pods off and just use the brake levers if I mess up.
hi, sure they'll be same principle as all shimano's.

use thumb to shift back gearing and look through from the levers.
you should see a clear hole through the shifter.
if not its casue the cable is still in.
push the cable from adjuster back through, and you will see the barrell end poking where the levers are.
pull out and re-insert new cable.

now connect to mech and the easy bit, set gears. ;)

hope that helps, sounds clear as mud now i've re-read it. :?

i'm no journalist, just proved it ha ha !!
unidude is not quite right! You move the shifter to the smallest ring, keep tension on the cable as you do this. Then you push the cable back into the shifter. It's supposed to come out of a small hole in a straight line, the way you're pushing. It actually won't come out because the cable curves/has been bent by use, so you'll have to jiggle. Taking the unit apart won't help you much and may well ruin it, they have a horrible clutch/spring arrangement. Maybe yours don't have a small round hole (the size of the nipple on a gear cable), there may be another aperture for the cable to exit, but the principle will be the same, the cable follows a straight line through the shifter when in the smallest "cog" (lowest gear front; highest gear rear).

That makes perfect sense to me, but I have done this operation many times! Take some photos of all sides and I'll colour in the relevant bits if it doesn't seem to add up!
if there's no hole to push the end of the cable end out, or a small cover secured by a screw to remove, then most likely you have to take the two screws out from the top piece that has the gear indicator.
RockiMtn":22dyyr0w said:
if there's no hole to push the end of the cable end out, or a small cover secured by a screw to remove, then most likely you have to take the two screws out from the top piece that has the gear indicator.

good point but don't you think the shifters are too old to have that system?