Site Suggestions (and Issues) Thread

When you put up a car for sale it has boxes like mileage, year .etc I think it would be useful here if that’s possible.

Like price, size, location.
When you put up a car for sale it has boxes like mileage, year .etc I think it would be useful here if that’s possible.

Like price, size, location.
But all of that will be specified in the thread or inquired about, obviously you could have those fields are optional in which case that'd fine, but all it'd do is highlight what would already be in the sales thread. There's plugins that make sales threads better but they're often imitating the style of other marketplaces and honestly I don't think that's needed.
I think it's overcomplicating it all. Very few forums utilise plugins for the for sale sections, the bike ones that do have a marketplace use third party software for sales (think pinkbike), I am not sure it would enhance anything for RB to add a few optional fields. And if the fields are mandatory I think you may find some people wouldn't bother.
If price was a mandatory box then how would you list multiple items in the same thread?

My suggestion about splitting the classfieds section was simply adding a sub section to the for sale forum for non UK sales leaving the normal for sale area for UK only.

The largest percentage of users are based in the UK since it’s a UK forum. I’m sure we have all clicked an advert and then lost interest once you’ve realised it’s not in the UK since Brexit made it such a hassle.
Sod the plugging for pricing.
It would be shite listing all the old shite for everything, you just ignore is. Imaginge having and add item button, add description field, add image field then repeat that 10 or so time for all sorts of thing.
And then it would get ignored and add the rest.
It managed for 18? years so far.

Only thing would be a location field flag. it's an arse if people are out die the UK and you go, yeah cool and find it in France or the US. It would save me some precious clicks.

Of course the default would just get used as people are lazy as, so would not scroll through a list to get the right one.

It's like links to ebay items and they don't bother to mention location, pick up only, a picture or even a cut and paste short description.
Except I think that still may pull money in for John to pay for this place.
I'm for a location requirement like the price is, not because people from the UK don't but more because people not from the UK don't.
Didn't think about multiple items, makes a mandatory field for prices a non starter really.

I tend to look at people's profile for location but it's not always populated.