Just sold it on eBay to a lovely guy who had saved all his paper round money to buy one of these 30 years ago. He was so chuffed when he saw this one...exactly the same spec as his was!This one is for sale by me. See MTBs for sale. Totally original, probably unridden!View attachment 918202
I have a similar looking bottom bracket, by memory it is a Raceface, it has 12 indents. I could not identify a tool, so I worked out a 32mm nut was a bit bigger and I ground the edges down until it fitted and would move the bottom bracket without damaging the soft aluminium. Hopefully the bottom bracket was put in with the anti-seize compound. Very good luck with it.
I have a similar looking bottom bracket, by memory it is a Raceface, it has 12 indents. I could not identify a tool, so I worked out a 32mm nut was a bit bigger and I ground the edges down until it fitted and would move the bottom bracket without damaging the soft aluminium. Hopefully the bottom bracket was put in with the anti-seize compound. Very good luck with it.