Show us your marins!

lovely bike. The paintwork looks perfect. How did you do it?
For the frame
320 wet and dry to bare metal then through the grades to 800 wet and dry. 2 coats of etch primer, wait a week then very light flat with 800 wet and dry followed by 2 coats of regular primer. Again wait for a week to fully dry. Prep for paint was working from 800-2000 with very light sanding. This finished the prepping.

For the colour I used 2 pack in a rattle can, I got this from my local car body shop supply. Making sure I was wearing a mask, 3 coats of base colour, left for a week to fully dry then light flat with 2000 followed by 2500 wet and dry followed by 2 coats of Matt laquer.

For the forks, stem and handlebars (these are fluro orange, it doesn't come across well in the pics). For prepping, the same as the frame except use white primer. Again flat before using an orange base colour. After waiting for a week to fully dry then light flat before 3-4 very light coats with a fluro orange paint. After drying very light flat with 2500 wet and dry before 2-3 coats with a gloss laquer.

Hope this helps
Wow, that comes in handy.
Just finished the 'artists impression' on what to do with the large '93 Marin Sausalito.
As an hommage I'd like to do the Team paint scheme.
Already found out that the grey Zolatone paint used to be not only a color as well as a type of paint; plasticy and easy to clean. Due to health issues not available.
Anyways, what way to go?


Easy to clean! Your joking right! It was a really really bad idea. They are so rough the decals fall off and frames grow moss if left in the wet!

I worked in a dealership when it came out...when the rep came in with the new 90 paint job test tube we were all....errrr?!

Bit like the primer only Audi tt.....oh sorry mat moonstone grey...🤣
This is my 93 Indian Fire Trail. I am currently at the "why did this seem like such a good idea" point. Stripping and polishing this frame has been much more difficult than I initially thought it would be. At one point, when all was going smoothly, the plan was to do the same with a 94 Nail Trail, not so sure now. I am in a quandary regards the forks. Do I go for new elastomers or one of the spring conversion kits? Any advice would be appreciated.


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Might be old but definitely not crusty. Some serious upgrades there. How is the ride?
Exceptional - the steel frame is compliant and comfortable though a little short from seat to bars. The 1x drivetrain shifts fast and seamlessly. My favorite bike by a long shot.