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Great photos OCP, fantastic views, when the current sh*tshow is over I'll have to get my erse down there for a ride.

What's the bike? It looks pretty "Rad" :)

I'll give the credit for photies to camera on new phone. The bike is a Sonder Transmitter from Alpkit. Sram GX 1x12, 650b+, 150mm Revelation fork and a dropper post. Got it back in March, just as lockdown started, as I was getting battered trying to keep up with Keith and Kenny on their Cotic Souls with me on the 20 y.o. Cannondale F800 with the Lefty. Felt weird at first because of modern geometry but now feels brill, I'm definitely faster on it than the F800.
Think most of us will be itching to get out riding elsewhere after this shite is over. I'm getting a bit paranoid now knowing that, hopefully, I've got to just get to round about the middle of March without catching it to get my vaccination, I'm an older chap 8)

Nice pics matey.

Yeah fingers crossed we can get out for a ride soon.

I think another centralish northish scotland macretro meet up after this nonsense is a definite...and hopefully before 2022.
Re: Re:

old_coyote_pedaller":lpw0kpal said:
IThink most of us will be itching to get out riding elsewhere after this shite is over

Know what you mean. Sitting finishing my second cup of tea trying to get the motivation to go out and do my usual local loop for the nth week in a row.
Climbing legs have totally disappeared, not long enough climbs here to test even my paltry fitness levels. At least you’ve Benarty and Blairadam within easy distance.

Got my first dose of vaccine booked for Wednesday and top dose in April, assuming supplies don’t run out. Mrs already started hers as she works on cancer ward.
Re: Re:

clubby":35jyw5zl said:
Sitting finishing my second cup of tea trying to get the motivation to go out

And then a 3rd and N+1, I'll do this first, then dither about getting ready, till it's "ah feck it, it's too late, it'll be dark in an hour....." I can't get out of that rut. Even with Benarty right outside my door...
Didn't really have this feeling during first lockdown and summer, a new bike and braw weather meant it was great to get out there.

My wife had her first vaccination a couple of weeks ago as she is a speech therapist working with elderly stroke patients. Hopefully we all eventually get it done before too long.

It’s always best to get out first thing, but that’s easier said than done with a toddler about (never mind his mother).
Glad to see people are still getting out and about. As much for the head as the legs.
For me I am still at work as normal for the weekdays and so while I can't go too far I am desperate to ride by the time the weekend comes especially this time of year when it is difficult to commute. More so this year with lockdown and also with no Puffer to spur on the motivation and push you out to do night riding, it makes the weekends rides more important.
Well for the most part it has either been solid ice up here or pishing rain, neither great for getting out and about, with the exception of the Pugsley.
This afternoon, after a morning of hail and heavy rain there was a period where the sun came out and things were looking brighter. So I thought I better take the opportunity while there and get out for a ride round the coast on the Trucker. I decided on the Trucker as it is perfectly set up for the wet weather and is always a joy to ride, regardless of conditions. I also wanted to play about with my tyre pressure for a bit and really evaluate my tyres. I have run Schwalbe Marathon Duremes (26x 2.0) since I built it about 10 years or so ago and have kept using them as they are great tyres. I have thought about changing them over to the Rene Herse Rat Trap Pass 26 x 2.5 which are supple sidewall high volume + tyres. They have been getting good reviews and thought it might be good for a change. The tyre plans come about as I am in the process of swapping out the front end and hence the tyres on the Big Dummy which is getting a set of Surly ET 2.5s when I finish building the wheels, hopefully this week. Just need either Brian or maybe Sam in the shop in town to double check the Alfine when I am done. This will take the Big Dummy back from a Fat bike to almost a +plus size which hopefully will give me the best of both worlds. This will make it more usable I hope and let me find it's new place in the fleet now that Caleb is either on the tandem or his own bike as it is no longer the child hauler it has been built and used for.
Anyway here are a few photos of my enjoyable ride round the coast, just pootling for a couple of hours enjoying just being out and riding. Like most in this lockdown as time goes on it is getting harder to vary the close routes to home and to try and keep it fresh. So apologies if they all start to look the same :)


Track once again flooded
IMG_4703 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Bridge out!
IMG_4712 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4727 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4732 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4734 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

End of the trail
IMG_4740 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4747 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4754 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Nice pics Jamie, apart from the flooded track!

I feel the same about weekends, me and shona both mental busy at work during the week and with working from home, makes the weekends even more important to get out of the house for a walk or ride.

Today we had a long lie then I got a couple of hours out whilst shona did some work, then a ride into town for a takeaway brisket birdie out our favourite cafe and a simple burl round the urban cycle paths, nowt fancy or challenging but good to clear the head.
I know what you mean about the weekends and I think it's more about getting out for the head. Clears it enough to get through the next week :) Nobody is doing big miles so I think the legs can get fitter when it's easier to do and also when needed. More important at this point to keep the head in a good place.
To be fair though I don't have anything to complain about as I am at work as usual and while it is much busier due to various factors, it is home that needs more management as Heather is back shielding and Caleb is home schooling. Both doing great but it is wearing thin.
Take care and stay safe.