Show us what you did today, thread

Hi mate
My knees can take it for so long only but it's my legs in general that find it hard dragging 25 to 30 kilo round. Which is why we don't go as far now on the Dummy and he is on the tandem for touring as he now has to help :)
The tyres, well that is a good question, as I have been looking at changing tyres on the Long Haul trucker as well. That is what I was actually in the process of doing when I got distracted by the Dummy and lets just say that I cannot change both bikes tyres in one or two pay checks. The ET's for the Dummy, the larger 2.5 were £60 each, which were only purchased for the Dummy as I got a really good price from the lads at Bikemonger as elsewhere they come in around £79. Pretty expensive but I figured that the Dummy is getting completely revamped with the wheels, dynohub and everything else, which has been waiting in the loft for a couple of years so may as well make it exactly how I want and these tyres really will give me the best of both worlds. I should also more than make it back if I sell the Fat front end as there are the wheels, fork, Old Man Mountain rack as it wont fit the standard fork. So not too worried.
Now for the Trucker I was looking at getting the Rene Herse 26 x 2.3 Rat Trap Pass which come in at a staggering £74 each which is a very discounted price from a certain friendly shop. These may have to wait now but I don't think I will ever be able to get them this cheap with the new costs of importing. Normal rrp for these is usually up around £90 to £100 so may just have to stick with my tried and tested Marathons. These get amazing write ups in how they really make a huge difference to the comfort and handling but are a bit over the top price wise. Just the usual low volume, high quality stuff from Jan Heine that makes them so expensive.
I have pretty much dried up the bike pot already with 2 tyres and we aren't even out of January. :)
To be fair and balanced I don't usually spend much on the way of upkeep on any of the bikes I run so it's just the unusual hit of two expensive tyres at once that smarts.


So I should add mate, if you did want a pair then I think Bikemonger are one of the few with any left. Another shop that usually sells Surly stuff at a bit cheaper checked when they could get me some and the next delivery is September!! New normal apparently.

What a nice day today! The weather helps of course and today while maybe just getting to 0 degrees briefly it was sunny for the most part. Not much heat in the sun just now but the change it can make to your attitude is amazing :)
Not that I need the sun to have an amazing attitude, why people tell me all the time 'that's some attitude you've got!' ;)
Anyway, after a chilled morning pottering about I thought the roads are dry so time to get out for a lockdown ride on the Jack Taylor.
As mentioned before it is getting harder and harder to find varied routes close to home now that we have been at this for a while.
But I thought I would do my usual coast route and head inland coming back to the coast if time and head out toward Dunnet Head.
I had planned to cut through a couple of the woods, hoping they would be passable, especially as it hasn't warmed much the last few days so the ground might still be frozen but that might mean it is ice anyway. Really wanted to see as there is one part where the old slate works was that is so overgrown that in summer you can't get to certain sections as they are so overgrown and one particular walled off section that most people have no idea is there as it is hidden away by trees and thick overgrowth. The winter sometimes exposes the paths that the deer use to move between these areas and that with the die back in growth means you can get to them. One of these walled areas has a door that is completely obscured for about 11 months of the year. It's only a very small area with the door maybe 60 metres off the main track but I like that it is hidden from most people, I like to stop and have a snack and drink there as it is so peaceful. There were two small Roe deer in there today.
So I ended up tacking the various tracks and trails through the wood taking a few photos as the light was really nice, not that they ever come out how I see it when I look back, but near enough.
I spent quite a while traversing through this wood so when I came out I decided just to cruise round the backroads and a couple of dirt roads and head back towards home. I must admit I was a bit surprised, and disappointed when going past the western end of Dunnet beach as the carpark was full with three vans set up having a BBQ fire with everyone sitting around it, horse floats everywhere, just crazy, so much for stay at home except for exercise and don't drive anywhere just exercise from home.
Home it was to then get the pizza oven out and split some hardwood and fire her up for some of Heathers fabulous pizza for dinner. Lovely mmmm!
Then while sitting eating the pizza I look outside and it is now snowing! Crazy times indeed :)


IMG_4890 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4894 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4896 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4899 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4923 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4921 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4931 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4940 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

The other side of the wall
IMG_4950 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4955 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4965 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4974 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4978 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

pizza by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Wow! what a difference a day makes.
It started snowing as we were eating our pizza last night and while only light, it was a nice white scene that greeted me this morning. It is also very fortunate that I have today and tomorrow off work, a couple of days before we go into a busy spring once again.
So with everyone sorted with Heather busy and Caleb doing his schoolwork online I thought it best if I get out on the Pugsley and see how the beach looked ;)
The snow was great to ride on and while I didn't go too far or for too long it was nice to be out in the snow and sunshine. The tide was incredibly high so couldn't get too far in either direction off the beach so just had to be satisfied with a bit of playing and meandering on the farm roads higher off the shore. What a great way to start the day, then home, lunch, help Caleb with some work then a family walk to the beach with the dog and now just about to do some resto/maintenance work on the non acoustic bike. And..... I still have another day off!!


IMG_4990 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4992 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Good snow on Hoy. You can see it in the centre out past the headlands
IMG_4995 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_5002 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_5004 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_5009 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_5014 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_5021 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

What a difference a day makes indeed Jamie!
Yesterdays ride was a 100% FAIL!!! I drove out to some trails just on the outskirts of the city, no snow at all in the town, but I could see some on the hills as I approached the trails.
What started as wet slush turned into snow as I climbed up towards the forest, then into around 3 inches of snow as I reached the fire road, it was the heavy, slightly wet snow and I just couldn't ride in it. Began walking but it was hard work in the deeper snow, and I reckoned I had at least a mile to push before I reached the cover of the forest, plus I'd have to walk the bike back as well, and then it began to snow, which a minute later turned into a full on blizzard, at which point I thought "F*CK THIS!!" :x and headed back to the van :lol:

So today I thought I'd better stay around the city, and despite a thin covering of snow this morning I knew I'd at least be able to ride and not have to push my bike!
I may have spoken too soon though as by the time I reached the beachfront it was blowing a gale and hurling icy snow and hail in my face :x the urge to go "F*CK THIS!!!" for the second day in a row was strong :lol:
I stopped by the harbour entrance just as a ship was heading out into the stormy North Sea, rocking and rolling in the swell, and suddenly my day didn't seem so bad after all :lol:

Once away from the shore though it was better, the trails in the woods were frozen just enough to make them fast but not icy, and a light dusting of snow made the trails easy to follow as well.
A much better day than yesterday :D


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I'm sure this was worth the inhaled dust :lol: Finished, well finished but i still need to disassemble it and reinforce areas with glue and screws. Makes sure everything lines up and is square and plumb.
But overall im quite happy with it and no major errors and considerably better than the B&Q effort it is replacing.


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That’s a fine bit of craftsmanship right there. Superb job, must feel pretty satisfying seeing that come together.

Out today for a ride into town with Caleb on the Flying Scot tandem.
The weather was nice this morning but rain was forecast so knew we had to head into town before lunch. Needed to speak with Sam in the bike shop and so the destination was set. Glad Caleb was itching for a ride as it meant I could ride in on the tandem. I still haven't stripped it or changed the bars or levers despite them all sitting on the bench.
Anyway just after we left the wind picked up and the sun was soon lost behind the clouds growing darker as time went on.
We still managed a good ride to town, a loop round the harbour and sea front before racing the rain home.
Great to be back out with my wingman. Cold still but a really nice ride.


IMG_5089 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_5095 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_5092 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
I can visualise Caleb taking a photo of his sprog with that tandem in a few decades or so.

It's history will be impressive by then.