Show us what you did today, thread


Tsk tsk! Jamie, if Brian had been there you'd have been going down that flooded track :lol:

Keith, same here, busy in the week so set off for a short ride on the bike, then a walk this afternoon.
Local paths and trails mental busy with folk, even a bit further afield the car parks are rammed!
Trails still icy and unrideable too.

I was looking forward to getting out on the bike a bit more in this most recent lockdown, now I can't wait for it to be over and folk to feck off back to work! :lol:
I had a wee bit time to myself today so I threw my mrs old kikapu back together (she stole my p7 so this is technically mine lol) 1x10 slx and Deore brake upgrades work well on it :D


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Hi all
No riding for me as super busy at work but have a couple of projects on the go and one of those is finally to pull the Fat front and back off the Big Dummy and put together the wheels that have sat waiting to be built for a couple of years. Not really been the need but now that Caleb is on the tandem and his own bike then the Dummy needed to be re assessed to see whether there was still a useful place for it in the fleet. We all think there is but obviously like this summer onwards it's use has been solo and very utilitarian. So to make it more practical I am taking the Fat off and putting the new wheels on with Surly ETs in the large 26 x 2.5 high volume jobs.
For rims I have a new set of Rigida Sputniks in 36 hole laced to, front SP D8 Dyno hub and the rear I will lace to the Alfine 8 that is currently on it. Hopefully get the front built tonight or tomorrow night after work.
The hub and rims have been sitting in the loft for a long time and after riding it the week before last on a commute I thought I need it to be more efficient and so looked for how I would want it set up. This I think will geive me the absolute best of both worlds for on and off road of the type of riding I do. Ordered the tyres from the guys at Bikemonger the other day and then was glad I did as when I looked around everyone else was sold out. They arrived today and I am now even more enthused to get them built and get out on it. The tyres are the grey sidewall, tubeless ready version though I wont be going tubeless on the cargo bike, but they look nice. They also came wrapped in a couple of Surly junk straps which again is nice. :)


IMG_4765 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4763 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4756 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Much were the tyres Jamie, im in need of some knobbly 2.5".
Seems bitd knobbly worked to a different grade of inches :lol: I've some at 2.3 and they are seriously narrow compared to whats available now.

I think you were spot on Jim. Mantles taking longer than expected, but that said some jobs are a nightmare when you can only do a little each day due to needing glue to dry.

Jamiedyer":1un0fn9o said:
Glad to see people are still getting out and about.

Aye, that would be nice. Think im getting central heating throat :lol:

More of the same. do a little bit, rest, a little more ,rest. Get there eventually im sure.
These are the main columns, I decided the inlaid stringing was the way to go, but hell, a job and a half in A. making the stringing at 60 degrees, then gluing in, then wait,wait,wait, plane down, and sand sand sand :facepalm:
Both columns have taken about 40 or so hours to make total.
Pic A is the second one in its final stage before finishing, Pic B is the first about complete, well I say complete, but thats just sanded to 80 grit, still got 120gt,180,and 240 grit sanding stages to get through, so should only add another day or so before I can get the Osmo oil/wax finish on as a first coat(of 3,maybe 4)


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Think you will like the 2.5s jamie.

I’m running 29x2.6 on the Solaris which are great and also 27.5x2.8 on the full suss now which is a riot.

Like you say I think they are the sweet spot after trying full fat.

Had the full suss out in the snow the other week and it coped perfectly well.
Cheers Keith
Well as it would have it I laced up the rim last night for the front with the Dyno hub. I haven't got the trueing stand as I usually rely on Brian for either trueing or borrowing the stand, but lockdown being lockdown I may have to rig something up in a pair of forks, at least for this front one. :)
Anyway, I laced them up last night sitting in front of the fireplace thinking a bit of snow yesterday and the forecast now for rain so will put the fat tyres, fork etc away for another time. Only to wake up this morning to a good bit more fresh snow. Not a huge amount considering we are on the coast but more than enough we could go out and play.
So the semi fat Dummy once again got a reprieve and headed out to tow Caleb around of his sled. This Dummy is such a fun bike and as Heather said, Caleb will soon be big enough to ride it himself and I just love it even though there is no real need. So it will not be getting sold anytime soon.
So we spent a good while out in the field on the tracks toward the beach and up and down the road which was best as it was compacted and the sled just glided. Great fun.
Yesterday we had a bit as well and while no riding I did manage to get the dog out into town with me so we went for a walk up Thurso river, then played in the snow at home and late on we went to the beach across the fields from home. Tide was coming in so it was snow down to the water :)
Hope you all had a nice weekend and manged a ride as well.
I seen Brian was out on his Pugsley playing in the snow as well. Shame we can't travel mate otherwise I would be there with you on one of the days at least :) .

IMG_4841 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4835 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4833 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_4845 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Spot by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Spot by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Looks like good fun. Out with my mate for a few hours this morning. Thankfully been cold but dry here for the last three days, so the worst of the sheet ice has started to retreat. Was a real danger last week after too many freeze/thaw cycles.
Some of the trails today were running like summer, hard, fast and grippy. Then you came to other still with an inch or two of snow is sheltered corners. Good fun.

I’ve never had the luxury of a truing stand, I always just finish my wheels off in their intended bike. I know it’s not “by the book” but I reckon that if the frame or fork is slightly off, the wheel will run more evenly. May need a wee tweak if it swaps bikes but that’s quick and easy. Even the last rear I did without a dishing tool and it was perfect.
Yeah, that was my plan Clubby, though I will be doing it on the fork it's going onto on the workbench as the fork is sitting there anyway. Plus I really don't want to try and tip the Dummy over to do it, I might not be able to right it again. :)

Bloody heck Jamie, dragging a sledge. Im surprised your knees can take it :shock:

Anyway, what did you pay for the tyres, i asked earlier but it slipped past :) I fancy some specced size and all I have is 2.0" fitted, or is it 2.25" Bontrager :? , which dont seem that wide by todays standards