Show us what you did today, thread

Thanks Jamie. Always nice to have something on the go. Been too long and I just dont make enough.

But Ta. Much appreciated 8)
Well I have the weekend off and the weather this afternoon was nice and sunny, if a bit windy and cool still, and so after getting a load of stuff done around the house I thought I would get my Flying Scot Ventoux out of the loft and have a play around to see what would be needed to put it back together and finish it off.
I have been a bit unmotivated with the Mercian for some reason, mainly as I had decided a while back I should sell the blue one as I have a new project incoming and this will go a fair way to paying for it.
Anyway I found the box that was buried when we moved labelled :Scot parts. Well that box was pretty bare as bits had been robbed, borrowed but not returned for some time. So with that in mind, the bits were added to from one of my Dura Ace boxes so all was not wasted.
I ended up scrounging the seat and post from the Jack Taylor and fitted my spare B36 Nitto randonneur bars with the Mafac levers and Racers, I had put aside for it. I use the 7400 DA crank, downtube gear levers and rear derailleur. Unfortunately I couldn't find a band on front mech, I have a couple of DA ones but they are braze on fitting. I was positive I have a 600 tricolour one somewhere but I couldn't find it for the life of me. Tomorrows another day :)
Once together, which didn't take long but was a nice chance to sit outside with the family, none of us were sure on the brown Brooks, I think it needs a black seat but not as chunky as a B17. Original idea was brown seat and brown bar tape but not now, not sure, I do have white and also black bar tape??
Used the wheels and tyres from the JT as well as while I have different wheels, they are still 7 speed with the same large volume Jack Brown tyres.
Anyway just thought I would share a bit of pointless afternoon pishing about, but in sunshine ;)


IMG_2734 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2738 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2743 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2747 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2752 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2753 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

That's really nice Jamie. Needs a wee Aussie flag somewhere 8)

Also need to get that door frame stripped and painted :D
Cheers Mr P
Yes the shed door and frame need repainted :)
I am getting this out for a ride as I have three weeks before I can get down to get the new project :)
How are you getting on? and how's the leg coming along now?


All good, although working (laptop in Panda 2's former bedroom) as we're considered key workers, so no playtime for me unless I take days off, which I may do next week.
Panda 3 works from dining room and the former Mrs Panda works upstairs. Leg is pain free but is going to be a long haul in terms of fitness.

However, Panda 1 spotted Panda 3's old bike in the garage so wants me to recommission it so we can go for a spin up past Dunstaffnage and maybe to Loch Creran. Bike is a Kona Fire Mountain from around 1999 which I bought for Panda 3's Xmas 10 years ago, but the "professional respray" it had received was utter crap so I took it back to primer, resprayed it metallic turquoise and for some reason stuck Kona Caldera graphics on it.
Panda 1's Orange C16-R is in Aberdeenshire. I have my Splatter Dome here plus my Sex One, plus could use Panda 4's Claud Butler as he's taller than me :shock:

Something to aim for as the weather is just fine :D
Sounds like you could fit a bit of riding for fitness in ;)
I am essential too so I am in at work like normal each day, so no lockdown building for me either :(

Very nice.... maybe a black Brooks swift if the B17’s too wide and a swallow too skinny? (Might have a Swift if you’re interested)
Ps I wasn’t going to mention the door frame....