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Re: Re:

Jamiedyer":39n7umkp said:
...Speaking of non caring, you may need space to stretch out and rest Brian so I can store a couple of those bikes until your better. I know there’s space for a Shand and a Scot...
Your kindness is only exceeded by your personal beauty... :)

But I think I'll manage.

For us in the big cities it's not a case of if we get it but when as there are so many utter pillocks who still are not taking this seriously. I feel we need Marshall law and we need it now !

Mind you, if I stay cooped up in my lasses flat in Edinburgh Covid-19 is the least of my worries as there will be a murder, possibly of me. Two went in, one came out :shock: Better hide the knives and other dangerous stuff.

Today I did prep the flat in that as we have a bathroom by the front door, it has now becoming the decontamination suite ! Out with the flat it's waterproof over trousers and jacket that can be disinfectant wipes down bemforem entering rest of flat.. Thorough wash also possible to prevent contaminant ingress. I know it seems OTT but my girlfriend has health issues that while not on the government list could still jeopardise her well being.p
Re: Re:

velomaniac":3at7iirf said:
For us in the big cities it's not a case of if we get it but when as there are so many utter pillocks who still are not taking this seriously.

I know, you just need to look at the utter idiots in London yesterday wandering round crowded markets like nothing was up. Marshall law is going a bit far though. Should close large public parks in cities and lockdown hot spots such as London, but a bit harsh to do it every where that would make no difference.
Look at the ride we did last year. Missing out the chip stop, how many people did we come within 2m of over the course of 40 miles? I could ride all day here and pass no one. That’s why I’m heading out for a ride today while I still can. Will be sticking to road/gravel as I do t want to risk an unnecessary crash.

Not contesting that they are utter idiots in London but maybe part of their stupidity was caused by the fact the weather has turned to spring sunshine from the constant rain and they were out enjoying it and of course the "we took the Blitz, this isn't going to beat us" mindset. What we need now is pishing rain to keep them inside for the duration.

I went out yesterday on bike on my own because I cracked looking out window at good weather. Apart from social distancing and chance of coming into contact with others, I have an additional reason not to be out. I am on blood thinners at moment due having a small blood clot in lower leg, not as bad as Jim's DVT but worrying as I have to avoid on medical advice risking getting a cut or worse a hit on my head if I fall off due increased risk of bleeding on brain.

But that is nothing compared to what Jamie and his family are facing, and to have it possibly made more worrying by the inconsiderate, selfish arseholes not staying put in their home towns potentially putting more pressure on local health services that are designed for the numbers of people where Jamie and Brian live.

After my ride yesterday I went to see my best mate, we talked out in garden because I didn't want to even breathe in his house for fear of leaving something behind, he is at risk because of medication he takes. His son has a brewery that he owns/runs with his best friend from school, they employ 3 people and his son re-opened a pub in Portobello with another guy, it employed 5 people. Now the pub is shut and the brewery is probably going to shut for a while as no pubs open to sell their beer to. That's 11 people affected financially in 2 small businesses, multiply that to rest of country to understand just part of the scale of the non-medical consequences of this virus.

Carrying on as normal isn't an option.
Re: Re:

epicyclo":14eiv1rv said:
I'm hoping my Great Cull of 2020 doesn't include me. :)

You've nothing to worry about Brian, look at this... :D


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even happening here to be honest.

I cycled up to blairadam on my own through the old opencast which has been converted into man made lake, landscape feastures etc. This was braw and quiet apart from a group of lads on a quadbike!

blairadam, the carparks were busy, maybe lots of families which is fine but clearly not heeding the social distancing rules, i went away from the main paths and did some more exploring up the road to loch glow to see if OCP was in the doggers carpark.

then to balance it out on way back along the shared cyclepath at back of house, couple of old dears out for a walk, each of then on opposite side of path 2m apart, its not that difficult is it.
Well not a huge amount happening with rides though I am still getting some miles in as I have been commuting for a while and I really thought Spring had arrived as Thursday and Friday were glorious.
Have been lucky with the weather really, this was Thursday morning.
IMG_2546 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Then this weekend, a little yesterday and then this afternoon managed to finally fit the B66 Brooks saddle to the Big Dummy and swap the bars back off the Pugsley. I had swapped the H bar off the Dummy to the Pugsley for the Puffer but as the Big Dummy may go to commuting duties soon I thought get it set back to how it should be. The seat I have had for somewhere between 18 months and 2 years, just never getting round to it, I suppose if whats there works, then leave it :)
Just needed a bit of tensioning and the bars adjusted and after a quick sorte it was good to go. Now I just have to get round to changing the front end back to a the more normal size and build my Dynamo hub wheels up. I have an SP hub for the front and use the existing Alfine for the rear laced onto a pair of Rigida Sputniks, heavy duty rims for sure.
Anyway just thought I would share.
Hope everyone is doing OK and staying healthy and sane.


IMG_2595 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2592 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

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