Show us what you did today, thread


Maybe not technically self isolating but I am not under self isolation. I also know I am not spreading anything as whilst riding so my destination is my destination whether in a car or riding. No different to riding to work and in fact the UK government is encouraging those that have to be at work to try and walk or ride or run so as to be outside and get fresh air.
At this point it is a moot one anyway as hopefully tomorrow the government when it meets in Westminster will approve full emergency powers which will turn around the vast hoards of campervans fleeing from the cities to the remote Highlands.
The government has asked them not to come, has put articles in papers etc and still they come. I believe it’s a case by case deal, if they are coming like most because they think a getaway in the highlands will protect them or get them quicker treatment then turn them back, if they are heading back great. There are currently three icu incubators in the area north, if the current rate of tourists keep coming they will increase the population by more than a third by next weekend. Not only is the chance of even one them bringing infection likely they will also most likely use the resources that were for locals. This is because the government worked out if everyone stays home then resources are worked out per area. Raigmore Hospital has supposedly already put in place a dnr for anyone over 70!
This camper van situation is a real powder keg on the north and west coast with Skye residents trying to block the bridge, Barra and Canna shutdown for residents only and freight only on the islands, Orkney is looking likely to be locked down after last ferry tonight with freight only. Yesterday Glencoe had over 35 Campervans in their car parks and another on the A9 near Aviemore had 30 told to move on as they wouldn’t fit. So some seriously crazy stuff going on.
For me though, because of Heathers condition, she is in isolation for 12 weeks as if she gets it, she won’t survive and will not even be incubated if there are others needing it. My job though is deemed essential as it’s a disease surveillance lab for veterinary, and while normally I may be off, the fact that they made my colleagues redundant last month means I must be there with the vet.
Precautions I take are when I arrive at work are, I have a clean space, strip, shower then put on scrubs, when I leave, I strip, throw scrubs in washing machine, I shower then put on my gear and ride home, inside my front door, I strip, head for the open shower, shower, then disinfect anything I touched on the way through, then that’s me. During the day is minimal contact with anyone except the vet, with scrubbing and lab coats etc. when moving from room to room, distances kept and usual high precautions anyway. The likely hood is when lockdown comes I may have to just stay at work.
Pain in the arse but a small effort to keep myself, family and others safe.
So while my post sounded blasé and like any other ride both at home and in the bike shop, contact was minimal and big distances were maintained along with the ‘disinfection’ routine on return home, but that sort of kills the post about just another bike ride. :)
I didn’t mean to make it sound as though I was being thoughtless as I certainly wasn’t but like I said that doesn’t make for a light hearted piece about just another bike ride. This week though the bike ride commute more than yesterday’s ride was just the thing for keeping my mind in perspective with regards all this craziness. By the time I got home all was well.

Re: Re:

Jamiedyer":20z5guno said:
...Raigmore Hospital has supposedly already put in place a dnr for anyone over 70!...
I've not been able to confirm it, but if it's true, I'm a goner if I get it.

So now I'm looking at my bikes and thinking "Do I want to miss my what could be my last chance?" Luckily I can get a decent ride in without touching the tarmac apart from about 200 yards, and I won't be near anyone while doing so. There's some pluses to living on the edge of a mountain.

As it is I've had to do the shopping because we have 2 broken kinder at home who are even more vulnerable than me.

I'm hoping my Great Cull of 2020 doesn't include me. :)

Dyna, I realised you weren’t having a go or serious I just thought I better clear up that I wasn’t just being flippant and not caring.
Speaking of non caring, you may need space to stretch out and rest Brian so I can store a couple of those bikes until your better. I know there’s space for a Shand and a Scot. ;)

Re: Re:

Jamiedyer":39n7umkp said:
...Speaking of non caring, you may need space to stretch out and rest Brian so I can store a couple of those bikes until your better. I know there’s space for a Shand and a Scot...
Your kindness is only exceeded by your personal beauty... :)

But I think I'll manage.

For us in the big cities it's not a case of if we get it but when as there are so many utter pillocks who still are not taking this seriously. I feel we need Marshall law and we need it now !

Mind you, if I stay cooped up in my lasses flat in Edinburgh Covid-19 is the least of my worries as there will be a murder, possibly of me. Two went in, one came out :shock: Better hide the knives and other dangerous stuff.

Today I did prep the flat in that as we have a bathroom by the front door, it has now becoming the decontamination suite ! Out with the flat it's waterproof over trousers and jacket that can be disinfectant wipes down bemforem entering rest of flat.. Thorough wash also possible to prevent contaminant ingress. I know it seems OTT but my girlfriend has health issues that while not on the government list could still jeopardise her well being.p
Re: Re:

velomaniac":3at7iirf said:
For us in the big cities it's not a case of if we get it but when as there are so many utter pillocks who still are not taking this seriously.

I know, you just need to look at the utter idiots in London yesterday wandering round crowded markets like nothing was up. Marshall law is going a bit far though. Should close large public parks in cities and lockdown hot spots such as London, but a bit harsh to do it every where that would make no difference.
Look at the ride we did last year. Missing out the chip stop, how many people did we come within 2m of over the course of 40 miles? I could ride all day here and pass no one. That’s why I’m heading out for a ride today while I still can. Will be sticking to road/gravel as I do t want to risk an unnecessary crash.

Not contesting that they are utter idiots in London but maybe part of their stupidity was caused by the fact the weather has turned to spring sunshine from the constant rain and they were out enjoying it and of course the "we took the Blitz, this isn't going to beat us" mindset. What we need now is pishing rain to keep them inside for the duration.

I went out yesterday on bike on my own because I cracked looking out window at good weather. Apart from social distancing and chance of coming into contact with others, I have an additional reason not to be out. I am on blood thinners at moment due having a small blood clot in lower leg, not as bad as Jim's DVT but worrying as I have to avoid on medical advice risking getting a cut or worse a hit on my head if I fall off due increased risk of bleeding on brain.

But that is nothing compared to what Jamie and his family are facing, and to have it possibly made more worrying by the inconsiderate, selfish arseholes not staying put in their home towns potentially putting more pressure on local health services that are designed for the numbers of people where Jamie and Brian live.

After my ride yesterday I went to see my best mate, we talked out in garden because I didn't want to even breathe in his house for fear of leaving something behind, he is at risk because of medication he takes. His son has a brewery that he owns/runs with his best friend from school, they employ 3 people and his son re-opened a pub in Portobello with another guy, it employed 5 people. Now the pub is shut and the brewery is probably going to shut for a while as no pubs open to sell their beer to. That's 11 people affected financially in 2 small businesses, multiply that to rest of country to understand just part of the scale of the non-medical consequences of this virus.

Carrying on as normal isn't an option.
Re: Re:

epicyclo":14eiv1rv said:
I'm hoping my Great Cull of 2020 doesn't include me. :)

You've nothing to worry about Brian, look at this... :D


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