After slaving over a hot grill all morning I finally managed to wrestle the tea cup out of Keith's hands and kicked him out of the kitchen to go for a ride. We had a grand total of 2 riders for this edition of Clubbytrails, which is one more than we've managed before at this time of year.
Once Keith had finally got all his layers on, we headed up the road and then into the old Panmure estate and up to Crombie Country Park. Even after all the recent rain, the last few cold nights had firmed things up nicely and we even had a nice top layer of snow to enjoy. After a wee spin round the loch we headed down (hill at 36mph on fatbikes) for a quick loop round the top of Carnoustie before heading into Barry Buddon ranges.
In the ranges Keith made a new friend, who reminded us a bit of Rob.
Untitled by
Steven Clubb, on Flickr
and also finally found a set of scales capable of handling his stature.
Untitled by
Steven Clubb, on Flickr
After a tour of the abandoned light houses and firing ranges, Keith had a failed audition for the new series of Gary Tank Commander.
Untitled by
Steven Clubb, on Flickr
We then headed into Carnoustie and out along the beach to Easthaven before Keith had to stop to drain the earlier tea from his system, again ( I think he has a prostate problem :shock: )
A (not so) quick spin up the draggy road up death, led us back home.
All in all, 26 fun miles.
Cheers Keith.