Show us what you did today, thread


Fantastic, weather was spot on today. Wish I could have been there, but had to stay home and drink wine and eat a lovely Sunday roast with pals :D
Klaus wrote:
That's a definite 'I smell shiiittte' face if I've ever saw wan.
Made me laugh :LOL: but you know its true :D

Anyway, it looks like most had a good weekend out and about in some unexpectedly decent weather. Well between the arctic showers anyway :)

For myself, after a late start I drove down to Brians, the plan being for a ride over Ben Wyvis, taking in some of the Puffer trails, doing a bit of recon etc, not that we don't know those trails, but hey, any excuse. Up home there was a bit of snow on Saturday night with a good bit lying still in the morning, though by the time I drove to the A9 the sun was out and no snow or rain to be seen.
We left Brians to head to Contin, this time with lights in the backpack. I didn't think we would need them but Brian was insistent we take them after being caught out on our last few rides.
There had been a bit of rain over the week but it was a lot drier here than up home, the main bit that was chewed up was the fire road otherwise the rest was fine. We had a few showers, sleet and rain, throughout but most passed quickly. The top few klms up to where you leave the fire road and the rock section to Puffer Bill had been cleared of trees and so looked very barren and a disorientating on the narrow singletrack that is normally through the heather surrounded by trees, now wide open all around. There was a bit of ice up top on a section of the trail but nothing much really, just made you a bit cautious on the big rock sections just after. It didn't take too long until the lights were called for, and was glad we brought them as we were only about halfway back. We decided to take the quicker run back with the long section of sweeping downhill only to find a large, very large tree had fallen across the track. It took me a second or so to realise what I was looking at before I had to brake very hard as I was doing a fairly good turn of speed as the track had been smoothed out a bit, with none of the corrugations from the last few times here. Luckily I stopped just in time as there was a few branches sticking out ready to spear any idiot that dared to come down here in the dark :roll:
Once over we, or maybe that's I, took off quickly to make the most of the gravitational acceleration, having learnt little from the previous few minutes to only come sliding to a stop just in front of the next fallen tree, this one slightly lower, so at first the light beam from a distance went over it.
From here it was a good fast flowing, debris free, swooping trail back to the tarmac. The only issue being when I got right to the end of the trail and came to the set of concrete stairs, I was thinking 'left or right, left or right' when 'bing', my lights died :facepalm: Battery dead :oops: At least it was at the end.
Anyway that's a ramble about my ride out on the 1X1, don't know whether I mentioned it but I had a blast as usual :D

Pointing to the poo fairy
BM7 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2025 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

BM1 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Notice the clearing on the hills behind.
BM2 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Snows coming
DSCN2028 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2033 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

BM3 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

getting icy
DSCN2034 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2035 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

and dark
DSCN2046 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2048 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Night time obstacles
BM5 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2056 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
..and that Surly looks lovely. I don't normally go for matching rims, but that is because I normally see them on hipster fixies on the Regent's Canal. That actually looks quite agricultural, like the old fergie wheels used to be painted the same grey as the body.

Lucky miss with the trees! I remember commenting on a thread about lights that I always used at least two, one aimed up to illuminate oncoming low branches.

When you are off piste, as it were in terms of not being at a trail centre or frequently used trail, you have to expect the unexpected at all times. I found out putting my range rover into the bog the other day.
highlandsflyer":1b4wvrjn said:
..and that Surly looks lovely...

Why, thank you.

Oh, you mean Jamie's bike. :)

Pretty, innit? I'm always on at him to be more careful and not scratch it.
Thanks Hflyer :)
Yeah, we should always have our lights but its the start of winter and its takes us a while, or I should say me a while, to get back into the habit. :)
We don't really ever do trail centres, maybe once in a blue moon. We do sheep trails, deer trails and whatever dodgy groove in the ground that Brian finds. :)
Brians 1X1 is cool as it does have flames and it is also one of the original Rat Rides. :cool: :cool: They are great riding bikes and while this like my others is a real workman like build, it has gotten blingy over time, well for me anyway. I really love riding this machine.

I'm glad everything worked out after you went off the road the other week, sounded a bit too uncomfortable for a while. I have had a few 'situations' over the years myself from desert , snow, hell even roped onto a whale in the north sea and I do joke about and maybe seem casual but I can be tuned into my environment and serious when I need to be ;)
Brians rides keep life 'interesting' these days :D
You'll have to join us one of these days.


"Roped onto a whale in the north sea"

That is definitely anecdote of the year! Without even going into details!

All you need to add is, "I was very, very drunk."

I took a pic of a long haul trucker at Aviemore a while back, guessing that belonged to someone on here, and if I remember that would be Jamie too?
Re: Re:

highlandsflyer":fhselkyi said:
...All you need to add is, "I was very, very drunk."...

Jamie's idea of fun differs from most people's.

At least he wasn't wearing spurs. :) (I hope)