Show us what you did today, thread

Looks and sounds like a great day out.
I was at the Black Isle for the afternoon/evening but a bit of half fat action looks great.

Whoaaa a nice looking Jones there, more classy than the tonka team

Jamie.. publicly - well done in the rugger today.... privately ahh**firf*cksake,f*ckf*ckf*ck... I know you should never say this, but seriously, thought i was going to need an ambulance today

and good luck with the remainder of the tourney :)
Cheers gmac, fancied one for a couple of years and managed to pick up a never ridden build second hand over the summer. Came with a fat front but had a 29+ front built up for it as well.
Could tell I've not been riding much though, legs aching today.
Saturday had me driving down to Brians for a tour round the Black Isle looking for some ancient monuments, Brochs, Duns, Forts and the like. Some of these Brian had found on his OS maps but had no signage or evidence otherwise that they were there. So whilst primarily a road ride, there was a fair bit of off road as well.
One section was on a wooded hill that was a steepish climb on a track that was at best a very narrow sheep track, overgrown on each side with nettles etc.
It was a good ride out with a good dose of interesting history thrown in.
The weather, whilst cool, was very good for this time of year, pretty pleasant for any time of year up here actually. Short sleeve was the order of the day. The colours and the low hanging afternoon sun of autumn combined with crispness in the late afternoon air to surround us with great scenery that was ever changing due to the light.
We didn't intend to be out quite so late and hence didn't fit our lights before leaving. This was a slight problem once we stopped to take a few pictures of the setting sun only to realise we had a good way to go to get back to Brians. A revised route was sorted and rather than cross the Cromarty bridge and ride along the dark shoreline road we would stay reasonably high on the ridge on quiet farm roads and cross the A9 and across to the road to Conan Bridge/Ullapool. Once at that road we could ride the cycle path down to the roundabout then cycle path to Dingwall. It was then along the canal and through a park before the short run up the hill on the footpath to Brians. I thought it wasn't too bad as there were streetlights through the town and I thought it was pretty bright as well. I am unused to streetlights up here. :LOL:
It was then dinner with Brian and family before heading up the road to get home right on midnight.
Another cool ride out on the Trucker.
Once again, just thought I would share and hope everyone else had a good weekend of it regardless whether riding or not.


What's left of Macbeths castle in Dingwall

Bramble time

Cool trail

Dr Livingston I presume?

The hills have aye's

There were miles of this lovely trail stuff near Culbokie(?)

Suns getting low. (you can see the faint traces of the trail running across the back of the Trucker)

Trucker resting in its natural environment

Myself chasing the sun

Sun going, going

Yesterday, found some potentially good trails in East Lothian near the Midlothian edge. Nice somewhat overgrown steep descent on an old footpath with great views over Musselburgh and the forth. Will do more reconoitering when I've got a mo.

Liking the Jones Clubby, since the apearance of the Stooge I'm starting to feel a desire for that style of 29er. Not keen on the braced forks though but Jones also do more conventional ones.
Yesterday had me driving down to Brians for the second part of our Black Isle history tour of Forts, Duns, Brochs etc.
I had an early start as I had to meet a gentleman in Tesco's carpark first thing to exchange cash for a couple of rims, all above board, just convenient. This all worked out nicely organised to head out on the Trucker again with Brian on one of his 'road' rides. I do use the term loosely as I have come to realise that when Brian says road, well, road means anything from tarmac to the actual road to an iron age fort that was last used when the fort was, and hence you find yourself in some strange places and situations. All good fun and regardless what bike we are on we seem to have the same mindset of exploring the unknown track just to see where it goes.
The weather was brilliant as most people experienced this weekend and while I had a long sleeve on this weekend I was still only riding with 3/4 shorts.
We decided to follow a circular route round the shoreline where we could. Running roughly from Dingwall along the shore to Conon Bridge over some hills and a few off road short cuts that looked good on the OS map near Spittle Wood. These held us up a bit as they were muddy to start with and then really rough towards the end.This led us down near the Beauly end of the forth and then we ran along the shore for a quick lunch at the North Kessock Hotel. From there it was up hill all the way, first up and under the dual carriage way along to the woods then a good steep climb up the hills on the red tracks, with a few deviations to the vitrified fort at the top. Such a cool place when you find it, signsge is non existant and its thanks to Brians OS maps being on his gps he can pinpoint where it and we are. A really beautiful spot that is easy to appreciate its strategic significance when looking down from such a height to the Cromarty Forth on one side and the water and hills to the north and west.
From here it was down, down down, on a track that was last used by goats, crazy goats at that. No flash downhill riding for us, no we were sliding down a mountain with bikes dragged, sliding sideways, man and machine at the mercy of gravity on a dark couple of hundred metre landslide to a small dirt road about 2/3rds down.
A bit more dirt roads and we were back on the tarmac, luckily Brian had lights and a spare set for me as mine were still sitting on the desk back home. By the time we got to the main road it was well dark so after a few kilometres we hooked up with the bike path for most of the run back to Dingwall.
Another great ride and as Brian says ' it was about 38 odd miles, some odder than others'
Quite a bit of off road this time but all good fun, bit like an adventure into the unknown.
We need to organise to get a few more to join us next time.

Brian has some better pics so hopefully he will stick them up here as well.

Lovely day

I wonder where this leads?
