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That is a tremendous climb guys :cool: but tell me. Do the larger wheels make it any easier ?

Would be nice to be bivvying overnight instead of coming straight back down.
The way the weather was Dyna it certainly wasn't bivvying weather ;)
Here is a couple more of Brians (epicyclo) pics :)
Thought I'd share them as it was such a nice, if short ride out.
Maybe if there was some interest we could organise a macretro ride going over the climb, lunch at Applecross and come back round the peninsula.


Nearly at the top :) Skye in the background
Went out for a wee ride incorporating part of the HT550 route (the easy bit). Left home, rode to Strathrusdale on road, over to Glen Calvie, and from there over through the Alladale Estate to join the Ullapool road. Total 55 miles.

Good test for my General Purpose bike on its slick tyres. Although it was mainly estate tracks, some of them were worse than singletrack, particularly in Strathrusdale.

After 55 miles of the above, refuelling time. :)

Looks great!
I'm thinking 1X1 myself ;)
Thats a fair distance, so a long leaisurely day or a fast run?

Long day. I don't do fast.

Except on the road from Glascarnoch to Garve where I was nailing it to get to the burger van before it closed. :)

Looks fantastic, for over 20 years I've intended to cycle some of those old roads but never got round to it. How bad were the midgies? They can be pretty horrendous at this time of year around Glascarnoch (as my poor Chinese sister in law will testify - they seem to particularly love Chinese!)
Re: Re:

ajm":10ynjvie said:
Looks fantastic, for over 20 years I've intended to cycle some of those old roads but never got round to it. How bad were the midgies? They can be pretty horrendous at this time of year around Glascarnoch (as my poor Chinese sister in law will testify - they seem to particularly love Chinese!)

Fortunately there was wind and rain.

So used to Scottish summers now, I took that for granted. :)

Went and did my 15 mile local loop with the Bob Yak loaded, 20kg seems to much???? I should have put a little more air in the back tyre. Within say 25-30 mins I was used to the effects of the trailer, then after a hour I stopped thinking about it. It follows the bike wheels exactly so no problem on single track, speed up to about 20mph + and you have to stay sharp, wide bars, good brakes and cover the brakes at these speeds. So yes I'd give the BY the thumbs up ;)
Interested in above. Just gone the other way with racks and panniers for the new 29er. Can you make a comparison?