Show us what you did today, thread

Looks to me like the metal surface wasn't cleaned properly before the friction surface was bonded in place. This allowed water penetration causing rust formation and starting a cycle of degredation. Utimately trapped water overheated causing steam which forced the 2 surfaces apart. Result - catastrophic failure. ;)
Tazio":252ime44 said:
They are lighter and the bike is currently coming in at 23lb minus the chain and cabling so with them I should stay in the low to mid twenties.

That was my guestimate on the final weight for the Sunn, final built weight is 25.2lb according to my trusty luggage scales. Not bad as there are no trick super light bits on it and I should get down a wee bit when I get the final wheels built. It's currently got Deore hub on the rear with a 317 rim, the front is an LX hub with a 517 rim. The final wheels will be XT739 hubs with 517 rims both with A2Z Ti skewers.
Suffering from insomnia so I've changed the cassette to a SRAM PG850 and put the matching chain on and got down to 25lb dead according to the scales.
Went up to Big Al's Wheelcraft today to get my brakes rebled after the red upgrades.WOW what a hell of a tricky job these new hopes are :shock: Took well over 2 hours to purge all the air from the system and even then we're unsure it wont get back in.
Might be that once you pop the piston out and the borecap you could have to replace the seals also,only time will tell there. :?
While i was there my hope freebies arrived for the trouble of the mushroomed adjuster screws.

Nice one Hope and Thank You very Very much :D :D


  • Hope Freebies 002 (Large).JPG
    Hope Freebies 002 (Large).JPG
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New project arrived.......... :D

Tazio":2tm5l3iu said:
Were you no cutting back?

very nice Kaiser :shock: :D

might be in a position to talk to you about that karakarom shortly, to help you cut back :LOL:

almost finished the avalanche ss project..
gmac123":8x33cv6q said:
might be in a position to talk to you about that karakarom shortly, to help you cut back :LOL:

Cool, will need to get a ride out sometime soon and I'll let you see it :D