Share your winter bike.


Oh! ...alright. Next time I put my Ass-Saver and the removable front fender on it before I post a pic.

I can put a glove or my termo tights in the pic as well, if you fancy that. lol ...

I might as well put some mud on it or ride through a puddle for you before taking a pic :)

The thread says: "Share your winter bike". Ang guess what!? This is my winter bike... now what?

So sorry for you, the picture was taken 1.) clean and 2.) in late November during good weather conditions.

Rofl ... *facepalm*
Looks unused to me. You must be very lucky with your weather. I also said in my opinion. I stand by my opinion. Ride what makes you happy :)
Well ...I see about 15 bikes here in this thread that look quite "unused" as soon as you simply give it a very good clean and move away 1,5 meters from it.

I didnt know a "winter bike" was only a "winter bike" if it has mud and dirt on it and is slightly beaten up - and is below (lets say) 500 quid. lol.

And yes, unfortunately here in central Europe we get less and less snow or "real winter" over the past years. I really miss my Sweden vacations!

Imagine, a member from Sri-Lanka or Portugal would post his "winter-bike" here in this thread.

Oh my god, it would cause a riot and shit storm. Obviously.
I know... dont worry!

My comments are a general reaction to the multiple (!) comments following my bike-pic which obviously caused a general revolt among people. lol
I know... dont worry!

My comments are a general reaction to the multiple (!) comments following my bike-pic which obviously caused a general revolt among people. lol
Couple of points
1. What revolt? I only see one person offended

2. In old school cycling club life, "winter bike" is a colloquial term that refers to the type of bike, not when a bike is ridden. British winters vary in weather. Everything from rain, snow, ice (and the consequential road salt), plus it's the social season when you tended to ride alongside buddies rather than compete against them. Add in pub rides which sometimes meant much beer and a certain type of bike evolved.
Crappy componentry in case you fell off or didn't mind it getting weather/salt damaged
Fatter tyres for the occasional off road/mud/snow
Mudguards to not only protect you, but your buddies behind

Had you turned out with a mudguard less, Dura ace shod bike for a club run 30 years ago, you would have been relegated to the back and told to stay there and unless you were extremely rich would have been ridiculed for using such fine kit

So while it's your winter bike, and that's ok, it's not the definition of a winter bike as such, which is what I think the thread is about
@fguki I think there is a terminology issue here. What most UK folk deem to be a winter bike is one that has been adapted somehow for use in our crap winters - mudguards, fewer precious bits etc. As opposed to our 'best bikes' which aren't 'winterised' - they're just bikes.

There are of course folk who ride their un-winterised bike in winter but as above, the lack of mudguards will see them ostracised in a club ride 😀

Oh! ...alright. Next time I put my Ass-Saver and the removable front fender on it before I post a pic.

I can put a glove or my termo tights in the pic as well, if you fancy that. lol ...

I might as well put some mud on it or ride through a puddle for you before taking a pic :)

The thread says: "Share your winter bike". And guess what!? This is my winter bike ...Crazy huh?

So sorry for you, the picture was taken 1.) clean and 2.) in late November during good weather conditions.

Rofl ... *facepalm*
i used to own that bike btw r8000 ❤️

party on ~