Scottish IndepenDENce YES or NO?

YES or NO?, And What If DevoMax Was Offered?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 39.2%
  • No

    Votes: 25 49.0%
  • DevoMax

    Votes: 8 15.7%
  • DGAF

    Votes: 5 9.8%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Re: Scottish Indepence YES or NO?

it is to do with autonomy in the face of a negative overlord.
I have some sympathy with that view however I think you're wishful thinking if you think being dominated by Edinburgh run by an SNP drunk on victory won't be worse.

Your best best right now is English indifference you haven't actually be screwed over that badly. One of the best protections you've had is the complete sea of mediocraty British politics has become. If you want a lesson in how bad small country politics will be take a look at your neighbours in Ireland. They were a country of poverty, they got an economic miracle and their greedy corrupt politicians flushed it down the crapper.

That was against the background of the tail end of a golden age of world peace and relative economic plenty. Since that's rapidly coming to an end and 90% of voters think we've had enough austerity (news flash it was mild compared to what was actually needed and what we had in the 80's - we need about another 10 years of austerity) in the next 10-20 years the sovereign debt time bombs will go off and when that happens a British lifeboat will be a marginally better place to be than separate rUK and Scottish lifeboats.
Re: Scottish Indepence YES or NO?

So the Irish politicians are corrupt because they are not part of an empire?!Good grief you are naiive.Yet as bad an economy can be and as disillusioned a country is with political corruption(unlike UK politicians),could you imagine going to ANY country and ask them to trade their independence for a few shekels......

there is no such thing as true independence ;at the end of the day you will allways be working for the rat race,
and who ever runs the place will do so for his own gain;be them in westminster or local gov
5 mill population is less than london so your not gaining a lot in tax;
and all i hear about is oil;when that runs out what then.
looks like the banks are spooked big time now :!:
Re: Scottish Indepence YES or NO?

So the Irish politicians are corrupt because they are not part of an empire?

Your words not mine. Irish politicians were/are corrupt because their voters permitted them to be. To a large extent the cult of personality ruled. My point was that larger blocks be they federations, unions or empires tend towards mediocrity in their politicians which mitigate against the rise of cult of personality types.

Why do they want to join the EU anyway if they want to be their own country.

Go independent and then join a bigger collaboration of countries run by somebody else.
Re: Scottish Indepence YES or NO?

secret_squirrel":yfco641y said:
So the Irish politicians are corrupt because they are not part of an empire?

Your words not mine. Irish politicians were/are corrupt because their voters permitted them to be. To a large extent the cult of personality ruled. My point was that larger blocks be they federations, unions or empires tend towards mediocrity in their politicians which mitigate against the rise of cult of personality types.
To suggest that the larger a country/empire is the less corrupt a nation`s electorate becomes is beyond absurd and seems an ill founded justification for imperialism/colonialism.Scotland`s E.U. membership will be hugely beneficial(anyone involved in agriculture that votes no would want a frontal lobotomy).But of course if one is an imperialist/naiive and believes their noble,dignified and uncorrupt politicians then the E.U. is a scary big monster that exists to devalue your currency and sense of nationhood.
Re: Scottish Indepence YES or NO?

To suggest that the larger a country/empire is the less corrupt a nation`s electorate becomes is beyond absurd and seems an ill founded justification for imperialism/colonialism.

You"re very fond of throwing around the colonialism and imperialism words aren't you? Anyone would think that you have a vested interest in avoiding less emotive terms like Union.

Having lived almost half my adult life in Ireland and half in England I can tell you until relatively recently that Ireland was both more corrupt and more overtly corrupt than the UK. You seem to be under the delusion that I'm pro the UK - I'm not - I just think in the case of this debate its a marginally less bad alternative.
Re: Scottish Indepence YES or NO?

highlandsflyer":21r0tesd said:
The point was made, quite truly, that the RBS options were misreported. I see no reason Alex should not put right those idiotic tabloids.

RBS made the decision to shift their registered head office to England on a yes vote. How was that misreported? It wasn't; the new leaked out sooner than it was "meant" to, but the decision was made and we have a right to know about these types of consequences. Salmond hasn't put anyone right, he's simply screamed about bullying every time any business leader states the cold facts about adding yet more layers of red tape.

Scotland is definitely not a nation of flag wavers. The saltire is being used as a symbol for the YES campaign, but we are not waving flags around the same way some countries do nationalistically.

Rubbish, they're plastered all over the place and fluttering from every rusty van on the road.

This whole referendum has little to do with nationalism; it is to do with autonomy in the face of a negative overlord.

It has everything to do with mindless nationalism. We have a national parliament (which to my eternal regret I voted for in my youthful ignorance - notice how Salmond was so desperate to get easily manipulated naturally idealistic children the right to vote in this referendum?) Exactly what is further "independence" going to do for us? Allow us to tax oil companies more? All the best with that, watch them pull the plug in minutes. There are oil deposits all over the world and the North Sea isn't a particularly cheap place to operate anyway.

I am not aware of one single thing that Scottish parliament has done to my benefit; they have flushed billions down the sewer on a hideous, shoddily erected and dangerous monstrosity of a parliament building; they have attempted to rewrite the dictionary with no mandate to do so, heedless of major public opposition and they have implemented the kind of Big Brother intrusion into family life that other communist states have only dreamed of with their "named person" inspectors for every family.

I don't want Salmond and co to have one jot more power; on the contrary I'd have them up for treason. Don't get me wrong, I'm not any more fond of the major Westminster parties either - but they seem to have been at least slightly more hampered by wider opposition than the dangerous lunatics running this asylum.
Re: Scottish Indepence YES or NO?

Five million scots,,, thought there were more than that,,how they going to pay for everything tax wise,,, ten potatoes in and fifteen potatoes out don't seem to work in my book. Will they reinstate a Scottish royal family ,their have a few castles going spare, read over 90% of Scottish exports are to England. If there not in eu and union are they still allowed to export to England ,,if they still want the goods that is. I'm gland I'm not a sweaty sock I wouldn't know what to vote for. Seems to be great leap,of faith or road to years of crap.
Re: Scottish Indepence YES or NO?

sparkiegaz":1oxtcrze said:
I'm not a sweaty sock I wouldn't know what to vote for.

Given that level of maturity, I wonder if you would be capable of assimilating the information readily available from multiple sources, both pro and anti, that acknowledge the fact that Scotland pay MORE in than is taken out, and have done for a long time, even discounting the oil that has supported the UK economy for decades.

Why on earth does out small population size mean we cannot support ourselves? Idiotic.
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