Rugby World Cup

What a performance! I'm meant to be an Englishman but it's Ireland who fill me with pride, O'Driscoll's an absolute legend. :cool:

Monster performance by the Irish :D :D

Soo...Josh is back in as captain and Tindle doesn't even make the starting 15 :shock:
Is Mr Johnson a tadge more p*ssed off than he admitted to in the press conference?
More importantly is Mr Tindle going to be driving through any tunnels soon!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Its looking great for the home nations now, Wales should win tomorrow and so should England. Just need Scotland to pull something out of the bag for a clean sweep :D
I don't think the Sun's 'revelations!!!' have anything to do with Jonno's selection - no point getting good players injured against sloppy second rate opposition. Lewis needs some match time so he's in instead....

I personally don't rate Tindall, but thats just me.
Anything that sidelines him is great as far as i'm concerned ;)
More changes than i thought for tomorrow it seems?

Its getting really complicated in Englands group :roll:
Can't see us loosing to the Scots but if we do we could easily be on the plane home, i think?
Anybody shed any light?