ridgeback bikes


Dirt Disciple
So I was looking for a reasonable steel mountain bike that would not matter if I welded a few brakes on for a electric bike conversion project and found a Ridgeback 605LX from a house clearance chap I know for a very reasonable £20. now somewhere in my memory I assumed all post 1990 ridgebacks were basically BSO's made from gas pipe.

I have patched it up to make it usable and it is really nice, far too nice to mess up its looking at the spec it was quite and expensive bike back in 1992 £439.95 according to the archive. it is double butted tange frame with proportional geometry and very reasonable Araya rims....

So why are ridgebacks so unloved (the guy I bought it from says he struggles to sell them when he gets them)? as I think they were one of the first to import? bring mountain bikes to the uk?

I had a look and could not really find a history that matched with my perception of the brand?
They were decent enough bikes, just not that popular like many other brands, although those that have them seem to rate them.
Basically a lack of marketing £££ I think.
They still make good bikes - the Panorama is the 21st Century equivalent to the Dawes Galaxy.

They made their best bikes from 89-90 imo. Hard to find the top end models but they ride great and are top notch.

Had a deep pink 1991 702lx back in the day. Had dx shifters so thoughtfully specced for the price.

Used to blast around home town (market Harborough) on it and do the local bridleways (think Mayhem 2019) and it was excellent. Probably considered a hybrid by today’s standards but it worked well. Was stiff as a board though and had a pretty stretched and racy position.

Pretty much echo the comments here..

Ridgeback made great bikes (and still do, as already pointed out on here). One of the earliest production MTB brands in the UK as well...!

1990-1992 was probably my favourite era. In my opinion they suffered sales wise because at that time the American imported brands had gained a real foothold in the market. All were however very well specced for the price points.

I still recall lusting after their top end offering from their 1992 range (LBS sold them). Can't remember the exact model but it was the first time I had seen M900 XTR in the flesh :D