Some more sad news, I'm afraid

I have to agree with the sentiments above. John was the face of MBUK when I first picked it up in 1990. He wrote all the tests & tech/mechanical articles if I remember correctly. I'm sure we all read those pages & added to our knowledge. Such sad news, I wish him & his closest family peace & tranquility at this time.
@slimjoe I wonder if you might be persuaded to enter John's old Bontrager into the next BoTM that it is eligible for? It would certainly be nice to see it again, if only virtually.
Hi there,
I might well do that. However the build and paintwork won’t be to everyone’s taste. Acquired I’d say. I shall wait till the appropriate category turns up 👍
Mum bought this for me in 1993. Some years later when John had moved to Australia and he and I become friends I mentioned this book and with his usual humour said "if your bike is still going then you obviously haven't read it".

Image 3.png

The thing that stood out for me with his Bonty was the narrow tubing, it was a time when the world was consumed by chunky aluminium frames and the Bonty looked so purposeful and nimble. Being a bit of a curmudgeon even then (ha... old habits) I despaired that quality steel bikes were being brushed aside for aluminium. It was comforting to find someone else who didn't throw something out just because marketing said so.
@slimjoe I wonder if you might be persuaded to enter John's old Bontrager into the next BoTM that it is eligible for? It would certainly be nice to see it again, if only virtually.
Sneaky peek of Johns restored Bonty. The third picture shows it has it was when I first picked it up.


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This is very sad news. I did a few rides back in the early to mid 90's at Loftus in Sydney where John was the ride leader, mostly. I was not a local but did enjoy the 'Let's ride bikes!' chant as the kickoff term while we tried to figure out what this MTBing thing was all about, but fun it was even with 135mm stems.

The Loftus trail head is here
I've also attached an Australian Mountain Bike SC Heckler road test with John from 1996.

I wish the best for John and that his time is spent well with family and friends.
AMB August 1998 Heckler Test 1.webp

AMB August 1998 Heckler Test 2.webp
I dont know the man, however I wish I did. Best wishes to him and his family from a fellow 26'r