Retrobike Touring.

Re: Retro MTB Touring.

Should do. Keep all your stuff in plastic bags though! Every pannier other than Ortlieb will leak. They are a little on the big side, which may suit depending on how much stuff you like taking. However you won't know that until you start.
Re: Retro MTB Touring.

Should do. Keep all your stuff in plastic bags though! Every pannier other than Ortlieb will leak. They are a little on the big side, which may suit depending on how much stuff you like taking. However you won't know that until you start.
Re: Retro MTB Touring.

I once spent a happy evening drying my passport during a tour in Australia. I narrowly avoided it becoming pulp.

Few things are more miserable than crawling into a damp sleeping bag! Rubble bags are brilliant pannier liners. I even use them as a makeshift washing bowl.

At the very least those panniers will owe you nothing in finding out what kind of touring you like (fast and light or taking your home comforts) and save a costly mistake. One of the most impressive guys I have met touring was touring the west coast of the US with a tarp and two blankets rolled up along with a toothbrush and a bar of soap. He was on a £150 bike and having just as much fun as anyone else.
Re: Retro MTB Touring.

I have a regulae supply of ziplock heavy duty bags that the dog food comes in.
Re: Retro MTB Touring.

Thing I've done for years and years is go to cafe's and get sauce, sugar, pepper and salt sachets and also get loads of UHT milk tub thingys. Really handy as your not faffing on with large packets and if your just making tea you don't need to faff on carrying milk in a bottle and worrying it will go off.
Home bargains sell cheap sport branded microfiber towels which pack miniscule for less than one and a half quid, and lidl and aldi sell packs of them in four or five. I have one to clean myself and a smaller one to clean pots.
Also if you plan on staying on campsites or youth hostels or anywhere with a bin, go to asda and buy a pack of cheap pants and socks and once you've worn them for a day just chuck em in the bin. You are carrying less bulk and smells.
A bar bag can be really useful for items such as a camera, wallet and maps and also any items of value. A good model by Carradice or Ortlieb can easily be detached if you want to go sit down somewhere or go in a shop.
Also don't take toilet roll take anti-bacterial wipes can be used to clean yourself after the toilet and if you are a bit smelly.
Hope you enjoy your trip :D .
Re: Retro MTB Touring.

Good tips. Thanks. I was given a bar bag with clip. I don't take milk. I have a couple of micro fibre towels. Next is menu items.
Re: Retro MTB Touring.

Interesting, I take the opposite approach to retroyetiguy and simply take a tube of travel wash. I run with two sets of cycling clothes (one worn, the other drying) plus some civvies for the evening. A rubble bag does as a washing bowl if the campsite has no showers or basins.
Re: Retro MTB Touring.

I leave Tuesday morning. Four days three nights. Solo. Subject to forecast.

Hey Trebz, it's all your fault!

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