Rags To Riches - Off Road Toad Horny Toad


Paul used a number of techniques. Replaced sections of tube,
internal sleeves and external gusset plates depending on where
the repair was located. He didn't replace the seat tube because
he didn't want to jerk with that whole elevated chainstay junction.
Didn't replace the entire down tube because of the cross
brace just above the bottom bracket and the ovalizing of it at the
head tube specific to this version of Toad.
He did a bunch of measuring, cut back broken ends of tubes
and turned sections of tubing to have sleeve ends to fit inside
original tubes. then welded it all up. He said that was a trick.
Tubing is really thin. Took awhile to weld it all up. Then the filing
etc. to clean it up. You can barely see the joints.
Hope this clarifies some of the mystery.

When I do go to paint I will most likely restore the original
Toad green. Makes sense and I don't have one in that colour. :lol:

Got this all built up. Took it for a shake down ride a couple
weekends ago. Rode good except had some brake issues.
But that wasn't the fault of the frame. Finding the Avid H.O.
brakes to be finicky to set up.
The ride I went on was a local organized vintage ride.
I was hoping Rod Kirkham would be there. He's the man behind
Off Road Toad. He's been on this ride in the past. Or the guy
I bought it off. Both were no shows. :(
I still haven't tried to contact Chris Dekerf either.
Chris told me once he built all the Horny toads.
So no new info on the history of this beasty.
Eventually i'll cross paths with them. Will keep you posted.
Re: Rags To Riches - Offroad Toad Horny Toad

No pics Roy?

Dropped frame off with Harald last night. The original green paint is a neon green.
It glowed under a black light. Have decided to stay with that. Should really POP!
Frame will be done before the show in May. But I won't have it built in time.
I still don't have rims to build wheels. :( Need a really nice pair of Wolber AT-18 or 20's in anno.
Decals have to made as well. Have to decide on white or black ones. Leaning towards white.
Will post frame picture when back from paint. That's it for now.

The forks and stem don't work with that frame - send them to me and I'll make better use of them...


Wow! Building a frame is one thing but fixing something damaged like that one takes serious talent! Well done

I’m excited for you :)

I was at Harald's shop talking bike show last night.
Frame is all stripped and almost ready to go.
Should be painted by this weekend.
Will pick up next week. I'll post a picture asap.