Rags To Riches - Off Road Toad Horny Toad

Re: Rags To Riches - Offroad Toad Horny Toad

Looking forward to seeing it Roy. Race against time for the show?

I'm afraid it won't be done for the show.
Still no wheels for it. Could possibly do a mock up build for show.
Decals aren't done yet either. BC is getting decals done for me.
Shame because we are doing Toads this year.
Re: Rags To Riches - Offroad Toad Horny Toad

Don't let wheels hold you back Roy!

Surely BC will come through with the decals. Believe man, believe!!

Any help you need with the build just ask...

Since i didn't get this together for the Toxik show
i haven't done anything with it. Letting the paint
cure for awhile. Here's a picture from the show
for those that didn't see the thread. Harald
did his usual awesome job. Toxik Harald Show 2018 004.webp Toxik Harald Show 2018 003.webp Toxik Harald Show 2018 002.webp
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I've got some at-18's but not good enough for this :? Loving the colour just like my 91 Haro sport bmx