Plans for 2010

2010 = turn Explosif into a modern specced MTB to keep for life.
2010 = leave military after 20 years
2010 = move into new house in Gloucestershire (about 5 minutes from Mountain Mayhem)
2010 = spend some decent time at home with monsters, hopefully having all summer off before starting work again in Aug/Sep
2010 = get properly fit with loads of time to do it.

That'll do for now
Find a 'special' frame to build up.

I'd like something like a Yo, Klein, Yates, Roberts or something titanium.
now that all that overtime has been finished i intend to hopefully not have to do much more and aim to get fit again, the only project i intend to have next year is getting a van and then sorting it out!

i have got my shift rotor for next year and have compared it to all the events i want to do aswel. looking forward to a more riding orientated year! :D
build the redline up into an old school bmx series legal racer and do as many old school rounds as possible.

If i get to my target weight loss (i'm into the last third) i have promised myself a brand spanker mtb as reward. i want to have that by the end of march.

on a wider note er indoors and myself want to get the house finished and sold and buy a bigger house this year....that above all is priority one
fingers":1aeeja7p said:
Any plans Ed?

I was worried someone would ask me and I'd have to attempt to coalesce my vaguely formed thoughts.

Ok, here goes and in no particular order:

- build less, ride more (pretty sure that I said this 12 months ago and was more than satisfied that I'd reached shed limit recently. However I have permission, nay encouragement, to expand storage capacity. Oh dear).

- OWMTBC10, if 09 is anything to go by, it will be historic.

- make it to some Retrobike Meets in areas I haven't been before.

- SSEC10, a weekend of beer, bikes and sweet singletrack in the Forest of Dean.

- ride/push on High Street

- not ride at any ******* trail centres :twisted:

- Fred Whitton Challenge sportive.

- recover from hip injury.

Regardless of any of the above, 2009 has been great and 2010 is shaping up to be at least as good.
Oh - I have such a long list!

Here goes

Finish my singlespeed project ( and ride it!)
Ride HONC again and do some of the longer route.
Join a team for Mountain Mayhem ( if anyone will have me!)
Improve my PB on a 10mile TT
Take a MTB to Poland and ride
Enter OWMTBC again and do a bit better than last time
Enter the Autumn Epic and do the Elan Valley section rather than copping out and just doing the 80mile route

So mine's all as before but do a bit better!

Having said that I did complete this year's list

Build superlight bmx racebike, with a mix of old, new and somewhere in between parts. Sell the huge pile of bits and bobs thats stopping me fitting at least 2 more complete bikes in the shed.
Get fit enough to do a decent lap at MM should a very leasurely social group welcome me in with open arms :D
Ride more with my son as he loves it, and we don't go out enough together.
I've got a Yeti ARC waiting to go for powder coating so first job of 2010 is to build that then move back to the Attitude(until something else knocks it down the order again!).
After a two year break,due to a Knee injury and a lack of intrest,I'm going to do a full season of road racing again next year,hopefully even win a few, with the odd MTB race thrown in for fun.
Also hope to meet more of you guys at some of the organised rides! :D
Would like to say spend less money but..... :oops: