Strictly speaking those so called "games" COULD actually be thought of as not so much a "sporting event",I won't be watching, I've never watched the Olympics (or any other sporting event) at any time. I just don't see the attraction in watching any sports - frankly I hate participating in every one I've ever tried except cycling and even then I'd hate to do cycling as a "sport".
Maybe I'm simple but I just like riding bikes... what other people do is of no interest to me (and they certainly don't "represent" me in any way.)
but to a quite substantial part also as a "pharmaceutical event". (?)
Of course one should never ever assume or seriously think of those events of being like that, of course not! => = good citizens.
Also what happened in this regard at all those games (winter & summer editions) in the past should absolutely be forgotten or even
much better simply not been noticed, seen or heard when anything happened at the time....
The previously used word "COULD" just simply implies that it could be a ("a very distant"= very unlikely) possibility, right?
Just some totally random thoughts, certainly no assumptions but maybe food for thoughts &/or further elaborations.
P.S. About professional cycling: I've once heard that a prominent doctor said that there was a not very visible Chinese or Japanese man
(mostly hidden) but nevertheless present at any international race &
that without him they wouldn't be able to organize/hold such high competitive events.
The old "dude" is apparently luckily still alive, ubiquitous = allover the place and over 90 years old! His name is "Do-Ping".