Officially car and van free....a new life begins!


rBotM Winner
So about 5 years ago I decided to drive less and ride i got rid of a van and a the work van has just sold.....the only wheels I got I have to peddle ! 😁 Feels like I've pulled myself away from the teat of taxation and severed the umbilical of oil 😆

So who else has done it and broken the filthy habit?
How'd it change things for you?
Well done dude. Living the dream as they say. Sadly, it is only a dream for me as my commute is way to far for a daily ride.
Sir, I doff my cap to you!

I'm almost there.. We're a 1 car family, I own an old Volvo 240 but i would never use it for commuting it's mainly a camping wagon and covers around 1000miles/yr... Over the last few years i can count on one hand how many times i've driven.. Isle of Eigg for a holiday, North London to collect a table, Snowdonia to collect a bike... erm, maybe to and from work a few times to take things home which are too big to carry.

Good luck!
Thanking you ! Every now and then Ive sat down and looked at the costs for how little miles I've been doing and the conclusion is it's just not worth's like a self fulfilling prophecy....need car to earn ...earn to pay for car...what's left after it?
Not much really....! A few adjustments a bit more manning up and a bit of living without I'm hoping it'll all balance out! 🤨 We'll see!
Sounds good, what happens when you need to move something in the works van though? :)

Not really a practical option for me for so many reasons at this particular moment in life.
Sounds good, what happens when you need to move something in the works van though? :)

Not really a practical option for me for so many reasons at this particular moment in life.



Small details....! Pah! To be honest I'm pretty much done with site type work ...flogged myself silly and not really seen the gain for it.

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