Missy Giove arrested on pot charges

My understanding of the early 90s Californian scene is that breaks for a joint were a mid-ride ritual.. It's because they don't have pie shops over there....
I used to do a bit of casual driving, until my old boss was caught trying to drive over the channel with 425kg of hash.
I felt sorry for him at first, but you know what? He was greedy. He thought he'd get away with smuggling the drugs and he didn't, which affected a lot of people. I lost my job, his three kids lost their dad.
It's a shame, but frankly she only has herself to blame.
To be fair to myself, this is exactly the reason why I didn't bother becoming a world champion in any of the MTB disciplines. I didn't want it to change me & eventually end up on a road involving drugs & prison terms.

That's my excuse anyway.
Dr.Robotnik":1d398v9e said:
erkan":1d398v9e said:
Myles Rockwell was busted for drugs too (also former Yeti rider).

They were both on Volvo-Cannondale too. Uh-oh, conspiracy?



JohnH":1d398v9e said:
erkan":1d398v9e said:
Maybe I should cut up my frames and look inside? I could make some big bucks on the streets of Stockholm? ;)
Just heat the tubes from the outside -- if you see smoke, you'll know you've been riding a bong for all of these years... ;) :)

I always thought she was just nasty. There were very few pro riders back in the day that single handidly turned me off of their sponsor's gear, but she was one of them. That whole dead fish around her neck thing... way too much effort spent on trying to be different, rather than just being better.

Sad? yes. Am I surprised?....nah.
dbmtb":1eoktybi said:
My understanding of the early 90s Californian scene is that breaks for a joint were a mid-ride ritual.. It's because they don't have pie shops over there....

Not a surprise that she is a user, but dealing? That is a surprise.
She's fucked up, she should have stuck with the sport a'la Kathy Sessler and kept the income coming in instead of turning to drugs.

I still admire the woman though, she acheived so much within her riding years for me to just discredit her over this. But it's her history within our sport I admire and not this **** up with the drugs.
Skin up!! :twisted: :p :p :p Its her life, let her do what she wants! She got busted now she has to deal with it. She knew the consequences. Who are we to sit and criticise anyway? If alcohol and cigarettes were invented today do you think they would be legal, HELL NO! Alcohol kills thousands across the UK each year. How many die from tokin' a j? :LOL:
haggis":ialdhqv4 said:
Skin up!! :twisted: :p :p :p Its her life, let her do what she wants!

yup. Fair enough. An It's my life and I can think she's a complete idiot. :LOL:

I like the Kathy Sessler observation. There are many retired cyclists who remain active in the sport...even crazy ones like Hans Rey and Greg Herbold have found ways to be sponsored/employed fixtures in the industry.