Martin Pyne's Mini Bike

The rear

Great update Nobby, will post an update on the 80's cycling remembered facebook page.

Never seen the picture of Pyne warming up.
Those red pedals will be replaced with these - as the colour scheme is more inline with the red & white of the bike.
What I'd like to know matey! Is how fast does it go ? Even when its leaning on the speaker the image is blurred due to the intense high speed.
Well when I have raced this steed I have come second once & 3rd twice & a 5th in the Cebu 10's that I have helped organize over the past 5yrs so it does want to make you got fast & you get allot of people looking at it because it different :)
Ian Raleigh":35bugk7i said:
What I'd like to know matey! Is how fast does it go ? Even when its leaning on the speaker the image is blurred due to the intense high speed.

2010 on Cebu's Catmon 10 course me really struggling up a rise on a bridge with humidity that day at 10.15am of 89% & the temp was 34 degs

I got 3rd in my Cat that day as I was co-sponsor & organizer also
Need to watch out for these speeding buses on Cebu's roads this one was 2010 same event