Now.. getting the bike I wanted from the bike I bought entailed a little more than just taking the parts off of the bike, cleaning them up, and refitting. Unfortunately the bike didn't have the Maes drop bars, Milremo stem, Weinmann brake levers with Sun hoods, or RI 917 pedals that would have been on it originally. So, as luck would have it a Sun Snipe Prestige came up on Ebay with all the required parts. It wasn't what I'd planned, it blew my budget, but I had to bight the bullet for the bike I wanted. There were other parts I bought separately, but I'll deal with those later, when I wrap up the thread.
Of course, now I'm left with a Snipe Prestige with bits missing, but at sometime in the future I hope I can remedy that, and rebuild that bike too. I'll talk about that when I wrap up the thread. Anyway, below are the cleaned and polished parts I took from the Snipe Prestige. The saddle photo is the bikes original Brooks B15, and I've included the shot to show the dating A-67 on the underside, which I gather means the first quarter of 1967.
When I put up all the photo's of the finished bike I'll do a write up to go with that and include as much information as possible.