MacRetro Newbies.... Introduce yourself here:

kaiser":2ytc0ivf said:
Awrite technodup :D another weegie eh? We occasionally go to Pollock for a midweek ride and blether if your up for it :)
Fraid so. I'm two minutes from the park (Shields ya bas!), been round it a few times. :) So unfit I'm usually knackered by the time I get there though!

Don't have a proper retrobike but I'm working on it. 2003 Attitude is my normal ride of choice.
Hey everyone, was pointed in the direction of this area after posting in the introduction section, figured I'd say hello.

I'm Emlyn, 26 years old, just moved down from Aberdeen to Edinburgh as the girlfriend has placement/job down here. Am a bit out of the City Centre, around East Craigs area. (My "Edinburgh places" knowledge is a disgrace.)
Currently living my first couple of unemployed weeks in quite a while, not really taken advantage of it. :( Hoping to pick up another IT support position soon-ish to start bringing in the money again.

Figured I better dig the bike out of the shed where it was packed away to make sure it still moved... It moved, unfortunately the couple of mile spin I did has shown what even 2 months off of a bike will do to me... :o *heart attack*

*Would be pictures of Giant Box One here but I need to up my post count a little, will try the attachment section*

The thing is in need of a proper clean-up and some TLC, hopefully won't cost too much...
I actually still quite like this bike, can't bring myself to look at replacing it.

Anyone know of anywhere local that could true my wheels for me? Not a clue what's happened to the rear, or when but it's well out!


  • box-one.webp
    68.3 KB · Views: 224
Welcome Emlyn :D I'm sure some of the East Coasters will help you out with your wheels and stuff.
Welcome Emlyn, I used to live in east craigs - craigmount brae (when they were council flats & before being turned into town houses).

Not seen any prices but there are loads of bike shops in town that will true a wheel, I used to use Sandy Gilchrist for my wheels bitd (he might have closed now) and Eastside bikes are retro sympathetic, but they are up at meadow bank, your closest shop is probably the wee one in blackhall but I've never tried it...

You also have the bikestation in edinburgh, a source of cheap parts and a workshop/tools you can use to do stuff yourself, I think they do work for you now too.
Thanks for the information, will have a look around.
I'm far from an expert bike mechanic, but am always happy to give stuff a go myself. I don't think truing wheels is something I'd attempt though, have read a few horror stories online when people have given it a go.
Welcome to our wee sub world of retrobike and good to see yet another Auld reekie east coaster.

Give as good as you get and you'll fit right in :wink:

Nice bike by the way, Giants answer to the Trek Y-frame 8)
Think the bikestation will help with a little guidance if your want to have a go. Good trailside repair to have too :) Big eck knows his way about a wheel, if you happen to find yourself on one of our rides where he's about..... :)
I'll get the rear wheel sorted out soon, as it's quite a bit out. Enough to notice it whilst out on the bike, feels a bit weird...
Need to measure and order a mount kit for a replacement rear shock I've got. The current one has lost all adjustment and is just a bouncy mess, cheapy Fox Vanilla R off ebay to go on.

Once this is done then the bike will be fit enough to cope with some light outings. :)