MacRetro Newbies.... Introduce yourself here:

Vinegar Sauce Premix, sounds like a 2-stroke fuel :lol:

Not saying it doesn't taste nice but its only an accompanying flavour, you wouldn't drink a bottle of it alone.

McSweens haggis though is nice 8)
The Ken":32exbrmd said:
Welcome giba1, where did you race?

All you new guys ...Feel free to join us on the dunkeld ride, 15 miles of icy fun with pub grub at the end.

Cheers for the welcome! Most kind... the Dunkeld ride sounds good, i have my birthday drinkathon the day before so we'll see, but it's on the cards for sure.....need to get a bit distance in the legs first.......its good to see the pics of the previous rides, funny to see such narrow frames on the bikes!!
Racing - was all over - Edin bikes series, Dunfermline & District CC, SCU etc etc, Sidlaw, Gleniffer, Pentlands (our club ran that one) Inverary, Dunoon, Rhynie, Carron Valley (which was half bike ride half run!!) There's probably heaps more........would be interesting to see which names crop up on here!!! Rode with names then that went onto bigger things............
Anyhow, off for a blast round Corrie Hill & Cammo, have a good day!!
hey boyo

whats happening
any scotts blood in yer family ?

if so you might be unique in here its all foreigners
marin man":924iynrq said:
I like it in here :lol: :lol:

You guys have a sense of humour......lacking from the east anglia section it is :lol: :lol:

That's what happens when you live somewhere without hills but take up mountain biking as a hobby. The clues in the name :lol: