Macretro fat camp

Salty - I was doon in the Sunny North East at the weekend and on Sunday morning I weighed 14st 2lbs in contrast to the 15st (approx) I weigh 100 miles north of Glasgow :shock:

Are there some severe gravitational anomalies down your way? Does the Hartlepool nuclear reactor cause varying weight/fluid retention issues for "locals" :shock: :shock:

BTW - the Steamboat pub in South Shields is a beezer 8)
Bike to work and back 20 mile.

Everyone ready for the weigh in?
Yay, 12st 11lbs. 3 down on last week. Not done anything apart from cut down on the crap food. Just a grilled chicken salad last night.
Now 12st 10

Happy with that. Target is 12st 7 and BMI of 22

I read somewhere that BMI of 22 is the ideal figure as the experts reckon that's where you're best equiped to fight off illness and stay healthy !
Still 85 kg. No changes in weight at all . My girlfriend cooking so well that I can't resist, italian and indian take aways don't help either. But done 70 miles on pavements over the weekend without pain and cycling 10 miles to work regularly so quiet happy with my fitness.