Macretro fat camp

In a thread first, the long term update is actually good news!

Have stuck with the low carb diet, although it has unsurprisingly slipped a bit this week. Not going to sweat it though, as it’ll be easy to go back to. To be honest I’m fed up of the party food anyway.

Weight reached a low of 85.8kg but the body composition scanner at the gym showed I was starting to lose muscle as well as fat. Was also completely spent by the end of the ebike enduro I did at Glentress. Had a couple of free PT vouchers, so had a programme drawn up to work on through winter. Trainer used to ride motocross, so had a good idea of what I was wanting to build on.
Overall weight has gone up since starting this, but scan shows it going on mainly as muscle. Currently floating between 86.5kg and 87.5kg depending on the day. Happy with that as weight loss hard to do when trying to build muscle. Hopefully lean down a bit when biking distance starts to increase in better weather.

Not been riding much lately, mainly down to weather and a bit of the “can’t be arseds”. Looked at my yearly total and was disappointed it was only 1500miles, as my half year total was 1000miles. I then looked back at previous years and I’m way up on previous couple of years and only 36miles off my best year ever on Strava (2015), so pretty happy in the end.

Goals for the coming year.

Keep up regular weight training.
Skills training.
Some enduro races.
Nevis Range gondola runs ( can’t believe I’ve never been up it with bike)
Road century (possibly Ride To The Sun).

A bit of a broad wish list, but stops things getting boring..

Hope you are all staying healthy and coved free.
That's good going Clubby.
I started the year ok but then just seemed to give up 🤷🏼‍♂️. A few niggling injuries didn't help, but at only 700miles logged I'm waaay down on last year, like less than 30% of last year's total.
No idea what weight i am currently, but given the last few weeks gluttony I expect it's increased a little, or a lot.

Plans for 2022 are to do more riding, get back into doing a bit of running, and maybe try some sports I've not tried before.
Since the Puffer has been postponed again I guess that allows plenty of time for "training" for 2023, but I wouldn't mind doing a few competitive events this year, the Aberdeenshire Local Enduro races are quite good, so I might give them another go for a bit of fun.


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Been a while since an update, so we’ll overdue.

Low carb diet has slipped a bit, mainly due to laziness but also just to help with increased riding as the weather has improved.
Weight training has also slipped but I’ve been riding a lot and there’s only so much time and energy left after I’ve dealt with family life etc.
Weight has also give back up to 90kg.

But it’s not all doom and gloom.

I rode every single day in April. Some days I really didn’t want to but I went out every day and never regretted it once I was out. Wouldn’t do it again in a hurry though, by the end I was exhausted and just not recovering. Feel the benefit of it now though. Did the Loch Ordie loop on Saturday and have never felt better those climbs. Current mileage for year is 942, mainly on mtb.

Back at the gym this morning and did a body scan. Even though I’ve put on 5kg, over 4kg of that was muscle and my body fat %age has actually dropped.
Was able to restart my programme at the weights I was lifting before, so not lost any strength. Not sure I want to put on much more bulk, so maybe need to keep the weights where they are and up the reps. Still need to keep it going though, as still feeling knackered after a days enduro riding.

As for my yearly goals, I’m mainly on track.

First skills coaching of the year at Laggan a few weeks ago and just a few little tweaks have worked wonders. Have another one booked at Pitfichie in August.

Talking of Pitfichie, I’ve signed up for the final round of the Scottish Enduro Series. Confident I can ride everything but nervous about being fast enough not to end up as a rolling road block getting in the way of the fast guys. Couple of Aberdeenshire series raves before then, maybe see if I can get an entry for one of those as well.
Also entered into the ebike challenge again at Tweedlove. Was good fun last year, so hoping for similar weather again.

Still planning Nevis Range, but have been waiting for all the races there to finish and the wind to settle. Long way to drive to find the gondola isn’t running.

Last one on my list was a road century. This one is looking very doubtful. Ride to the sun is definitely out as the father in law is up that weekend, but maybe see about some longer rides once the racing is out of the way.

Been deathly quiet round these parts, so hope you are all getting at least some miles in.