Macretro fat camp

Put on 4lb no idea how, since friday, won't let it put me off though, few days before Wednesday to put it right.

No cycling today, 14 days straight, good to rest.
1 hour on the turbo this afternoon, felt ok during too. Still failing on the mirror test but my tits are becoming less alluring as the weeks pass which is something right....?
Salty, stop weighing every day. You vary so much day to day, weighing weekly makes more sense. A full bladder weighs 1lb, a full back end another. Add on fluid retention over the course of a day and thats another 1 or 2. Stick to weekly and the same time of day every time for a proper comparison.
Yeah I will from now on, means my official weight loss is 7lbs rather than 10lb, RB weigh ins will be each wednesday though.
4.5mile run just some PJ :)

Salty I'll admit to jumping on the scales all the time as well but I'll only use the weekly weigh in it really needs a week or two week recording to form a proper trend.

Gazz that graph is not quite as shit but shit it still is.
reffereed an hour long korfball match yesterday - basically a variant of basketball / netball - so end to end on court for an hour should of burnt 1600 calaories.

Arm also got twisted into getting a Wii & balance board etc, so the boss and I are no plugged into the net......
End to end, ha !, I've seen your idea of reffing, stand in the middle and only move if your in someones way :lol:

You need to play Korfball, wish I still could :oops:

Today I slogged up North Berwick Law, not that high I'll admit but steep so hopefully toned up my legs a wee bit but possibly undid any good later with a large pub lunch and a pint. Got to do better, you lot are all being serious which is most unMacRetro :lol: