MacRetro chat and rides thread

kaiser":gnl7obz2 said:
Right back to global harmony what are you doing on the 5th?
Depending on weather, may rehabilitate Gazz's basement squating Hardrock and get along to the Falkirk Wheel with my daughter.
Agree with velos obsevation, glentress will garner a few more bods but don't think it is going to be a massive turnout, passport control seems to be pretty tight on the way up it would seem :twisted:

I think it is pretty much up to the person travelling to arrange travel accomidation and all that jazz, do the event as per anyone we have done before, the locations sell themselfs and if they don't then no big deal, glad someone else will be labled as a rebel velo ;)
Hey Velo,
I wonder how many MacRetro members went to the English National Events so far this year- Ticknall, Arundel, Thetford, Bowland, last years Big Dirty Weekender, Peaks Meet, or how many have signed up for 3 Tribes??

Absolutely none. It works both ways my friend.

NE&Yorks have always tried to have a presence at Mac events because they are for one so bloody good and they have people who we dearly like- you included!

Chill out and save us plenty of space for Glentress!
OK it works both ways but in population terms you outnumber us 10 to 1 and in Retrobike terms its probably 100 to 1. Anyhoo I'm down for the BDW I've ridden at SSEC10 with some retrobikers, I'll ride at SSUK10 hopefully with other retrobikers, I've got the Toggle Chain Tour of Norfolk in September and I'm looking out for other stuff. ;)
Its just the same for us 'oop north'. Folk think its miles away and due to us being far from the powers that be the road links are crap too. It can take 4 hours to get to from one end of our area group to the other.
Thats why we try and make our area rides further south- we rarely do events here in the north east but concentrate them in Yorkshire, Peak District etc. which is nearer to larger population clusters. Even then we still struggle to make the numbers enjoyed by some other areas.

You have had some great turnoots for your main rides so take heart- and anyway its the sassanach's that are missing out, no you.

Can't wait to see you at BDW and catch up. ;)
just done some mucking about to seperate off the Etive aftermath thread - it seems to have worked but I did have a few problems.
I hope you don't mind but it makes it easier to track if it is in a different thread.
I'll give john a PM with a link and a pic so he can put it on the front page as this trip was well worthy.
sorry kaiser thursday night is my late night, working until 8pm, but I'm working very hard on getting the sack to free some time up ;)

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