MacRetro chat and rides thread

velomaniac":fv5ijve1 said:
If the southerners dont start making more effort I'd suggest MacRetro pull out of the national events calendar in 2011 and just do our usual adhoc stuff :roll:

Velo it is usually you telling us to grow up,

The 10 under the Ben date unfortunately coincides with a memorial ride in the north for one of the retrobike guys that died last year, so I didn't expect anyone within normal reach to come to our event once this date was announced. I'm sure I mentioned this before, but being old my memory fades some what.

It is a shame more people don't come but it really is childish to say "I'm not playing with you because you didn't play with me last week."
I would have done it but its a competetive event. After the horror of Keilderfest I will only be compeing on 4 wheels from now on.

we still love you, honest!
Thanks TK, just haul me up in front of the class and tell me off in front of everyone, very responsible, I applaud you ...............not :evil:

I'm entitled to my opinions even if not to everyones taste as is Gaz etc, I do not need to be called childish.

As for English attendance, only time will tell.......
I hauled you up in front of the class because you drew on the blackboard.

Nobody is saying you aren't entitled to you own opinions but your comment ...
I'd suggest MacRetro pull out of the national events
... publicly suggested the rest of MacRetro should join you in those opinions.

Be annoyed as you like but I feel the need to moderate very rarely, it was needed here, and publicly as well.
Whilst we're being childish - Does anyone else get extremely flatulent after a two day ride or is it just me ?

@ Kaiser - I'll PP you the camping dosh tonight :oops:
Hasn't stopped in 20 years Mr P - I don't need to be on a bike run :)

By the way remind me to give you throbbin' gristle at 10utB, probably easier than posting it. ;)
The Ken":1kmmn14w said:
By the way remind me to give you throbbin' gristle at 10utB, probably easier than posting it. ;)

:shock: :shock: :shock:

am no sleepin' beside you again

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Holster those handbags you two :LOL: Velo's right in some respects, we could be doing a lot of work organising the next national meet, accommodation/rides and variety(acts) for just ourselves to turn up. Still were doing it for ourselves so we might as well extend our hospitality to the jessies, if it doesn't work out we'll go back to one dayers. I wouldnae think pulling out of the national calendar would be beneficial/wise or even possible,
bear in mind we are only tenants here and the site has been good for us all I hope. It is a wee bit dummies oot the pram an'aw. We should continue to do what we've been doing, remember were still the BEST section on site bar none :D

Right back to global harmony what are you doing on the 5th?