I take it you are referring to myself in your latest comment but why you bother I do not know unless it is your desire to bring scorn upon myself for sticking to what I believe in. One thing you will discover about people those that waver in their beliefs are people that don't really believe in what they say in the first place, with many they say what they are trained to say before they analyse their own words. I do not waver as I do have some experience and hope to communicate some of the reality beyond government spin and media sensationalism.
You comment about an idea I mentioned, that of a community of like minded persons and that I would not go there because I would have to work, well such communities, not all of them are like Findhorn you know, many of them are a hard life to start with, you know, just the day to day existence away from relatively modern living standards, but in a society where idleness gets one literally nowhere as living in a pioneer fashion one has to account for food, water, warmth and shelter before any other additional work for whatever other has to be commenced, perhaps even a harder existence than you know, but back to basics does have a certain appeal to many. But then isn't the basics of existence what it is all about anyway, you know, just living.
As to my personal belief in the work ethic, you know nothing of that, you don't know me, but hasten to say I am here against my better judgement, it wasn't planned, but I was unforftunate enough for life events to catch me, something that can happen to the very best of us so unexpectedly so it is rather foolish to condemn others when no one knows what their personal future holds for them. As they say, what goes around, has a very nasty habit of coming around, if you believe in karma give out what you hope to receive.
But if you haven't got anything to add to the conversation beyond attempted ridicule of participants, that reveals yourself as a kind of troubled individual for your actions are being observed by many and undoubtedly conclusions drawn.