Just about to be Tango'd..... Orange P7 single speed!

Re: Re:

LikeClockwork":dzdrasup said:
I must at this point give a HUGE thank you to Mark (kermitgreenkona) who karma'd me the entire SS set up with spare cogs, and swapped me the lovely chainset for a load of my old tat. The frame was even his before I swapped my Explosif for it!

:oops: You have made it what it is I was missing a Kermit Kona and I am happily putting all your 'tat' to good use as it is all good stuff :D :D ;)
blimey Kaz, you've had more bikes than I've had cups of tea - and I love tea..

this looks good though - are they slightly larger than usual wheels on it? or eyes my eyes finally going?

Ha! It's your eyes.... ;)

Standard 26" although the tyres are quite big, this is on the back burner at the mo as I'm coming up to that time of year when I'm working 7 days a week and sometimes doing 14 or 15 hour days.... :facepalm:
Hehe, it had to happen. Must be the camera angle. Or something ;)

V nice tho, glad you're enjoying SS, I love mine

FINALLY.....I got to fettle the SS again a bit today, fitted a new post, better stem, wider bars, and sorted an issue with the fork steerer bung having come loose.... :facepalm:

It's now more black up front, and totally weird looking, certainly got the 'cruiser' look I was going for!! Quick punt along the drive and all seems well, tomorrow's job will be to just quickly realign stem a bit and maybe fit the chainring on the 'middle' ring position on the cranks, adjust rear spacing accordingly, and get you lot some more pics of it finished....

Ride it? Oh well, I suppose that's a possible option!! :LOL:

Nice! I don't normally get interested in Oranges, but this is done really nicely - just looks 'functional' (at least in its previous guise! ;) )
One thing about those forks though - you'd be amazed at how capable they are off-road, take all the buzz & chatter out, they feel fragile & sound like they're about to snap sometimes, but bloody hell they just work!

Ha, cheers! Unfortunately didn't even get to look at it today, appalling weather and too much time spend on here being silly.... :facepalm:

Sure the forks will be great, the idea behind this bike is a capable on roader with off road ability, something I have yet to test, obviously :roll:

Thanks! Like Osella, I've never been a big Orange fan, but this one grows on you, lol!

Better pics tomorrow hopefully, it's the most butt ugly thing I've ever built, but that's why I kind of like it, fast commuter style. Not that I'm fast, or a commuter..... :facepalm:

Seeing andyz wih Manitous up front made me think...

....how cool would an orange Orange be with black (Manitou) Blacks....a bike labelled for those watching in black and white... :LOL:

.....I am a simple soul :facepalm: .

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