Just about to be Tango'd..... Orange P7 single speed!


I'm intrigued as to why you disliked the "P7" and frame tubing stickers? Was it because they were peeling?

Yeah, half the P7 decals had come off, can't stand the pretend stick on tinfoil tubing ones, so they had to go, the down tube Orange ones would be gone too if I had the patience to use my thumb nail and scratch them off! :LOL:

Never liked the Orange graphics, don't know why.

So....he's pretty much there! Still need to cut steerer but haven't decided if the bar/stem combo will stay, as you can see it's a bit of a mish mash branding wise.... :facepalm: But then again, it's all light and it works, so....

First impressions after a couple of shake down rides along the drive way - saddle height needs to go up, it's amazingly quiet, for some reason I expected a lot of noise from the SS transmission, headset had to be tightened a little, but apart from that....I can see this easily being my 'go to' bike for a very long time!

It's compliant, quick, and super light without being twitchy, best guess using the bathroom scales/weigh yourself/weigh yourself holding the bike method is 21lbs exactly. Seat post will be going as I hate it, it's steel, and it's shimmed, so although it may take a while as it's an odd size, I will be looking for alternatives, also possibly a new and lighter chain, maybe even a lighter saddle than this one. It's from the back I want to lose the weight, as it's scarily light already on the front end, not that it's twitchy as I say. Would be nice to get him down to 20lbs, without spending any more than a few £'s (ebay have some cheap posts, light, could be cut down a fair bit to save more weight....)

Anyway, here he is, not the best pics as sun was low and so was camera battery.... :mrgreen:


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Ooh, nice, and very similar to mine apart from the fancy cranks and rigid forks. :mrgreen: I'll have to do a couple of pics, although it is very dirty at the moment. :oops: Mine also has wussy gearing as I go up hills a lot.

Yes please to pics!! :p

This may well end up with wussy gearing too, but I have to say this closely replicates the gear I spent most of my time in on karma Kona when he was around, and I do live on the Somerset Levels (there's a clue in itself to the size of the 'hills')

I must at this point give a HUGE thank you to Mark (kermitgreenkona) who karma'd me the entire SS set up with spare cogs, and swapped me the lovely chainset for a load of my old tat. The frame was even his before I swapped my Explosif for it!

Need to do some calculations but I have a sneaky feeling the whole bike won't owe me more than about a hundred and fifty quid by the time I've sold on a few bits that I don't need....

OK, here it is, mud and all. I'll say one thing for single speeders, they certainly imrpove your fitness. You end up riding up hills faster than normal, because you have to, otherwise you stall!


Super cool.....! :cool:

Still having the debate with myself about putting the chain ring on the middle ring setting (if it will clear the chain stay like that) so that I don't have to run the rear cog so close to the outside of the hub body. Maybe I just won't worry about it..... :facepalm:

Mine is basically a road bike built with the capability of going off road occasionally, hence the gearing/tyres, so will just walk up the hills if I have to.... Yours looks as if it's probably the other way round, off road mostly! Lovely bike though, thanks for sharing.
Re: Re:

LikeClockwork":yioev2ml said:
Super cool.....! :cool:

Still having the debate with myself about putting the chain ring on the middle ring setting (if it will clear the chain stay like that) so that I don't have to run the rear cog so close to the outside of the hub body. Maybe I just won't worry about it..... :facepalm:

Mine is basically a road bike built with the capability of going off road occasionally, hence the gearing/tyres, so will just walk up the hills if I have to.... Yours looks as if it's probably the other way round, off road mostly! Lovely bike though, thanks for sharing.

I would definitely recommend putting the chainring on the inside. I've already knackered a freehub on a single speeder. I reckon all that standing on the pedals shortens the life of the drivetrain.

Your probably enjoy riding it off road when you get the chance as it's very addictive and as somebody has said it's great for fitness and adding leg strength too.

I have loads of fun over Ham hill on mine, although that's when it was a bit dryer :LOL:

Yeah hoping it will get a good mix of riding conditions soon, but we're into November now and the dreaded 'C' word is fast approaching, for me that means 15 hour days and weekend working are fast approaching too..... :facepalm:

Away from home next weekend too so we will just have to see when I can fit in a bit more tinkering and a proper shake down ride, but let's just say it could be 2016 by the time I do :roll: