Judy with canti hanger and disc mount?

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U ok hun?

You made a mistake in assuming we were talking about solely a disc tab. It’s not the end of the world. Relax ….

You said “I have one” and then mentioned a SID too. The showed a pic of a Judy SL and a SID giving the impression you had two forks with this set up. When in fact you have zero. Then you became super defensive.


What does the "U ok hun" mean?
Anyway, the point was a canti hanger and a disc tab is rare enough it was pointed out in the first post by a person who buys and sells bike parts and sees these pass through a lot.

They where made for the 1998 model, it was an option for the XC and SL in the various colours they came in (SL yellow or Cream, XC...).

You normally see the hanger on the 1997 forks because Vs hadn't fully dominated by then mainly as they had just been released. All main groupset had only just been given a Vbrake in 97 (96 only XTR/XT had them). So no disc tab, just like the recycle shop linked, because disc hadn't become a real option by then.
98 like I mentioned V dominated, disc tabs probably came along from the likes of Bombers etc pushing them.
(By then being the year or two before hand in development).

I actually don't know the disc history and progression at the time for forks makers and bike to suddenly provide it as an option. Most people still didn't use them, but the rate V style brakes took over was pretty rapid by anyone's terms.
In reality a disc tab should be the rarer option.

As for the crown, it is possible the old was cut off and replaced because they wanted a 1" long steerer (for a PACE maybe) or it is a blend of and XC which did have that as an option.
I wouldn't think most would spray and sticker up as SLs, seem more work then it's worth. But who knows.
Either way, a nice and interesting find. Particularly to show how quickly Vs changed the brake market and hence frame and fork design.
I went to discs in late 98. They were getting very popular by then for sure.

Can you think of a frame which has disc tabs, and a canti mount?

All the frames I have currently stop with canti around 96. Disc tabs starting around 98 on my bikes own.

I seem to remember I had a extralite which had both but I can’t find a pic of it currently.
I would have though very few from these time did.
Frames didn't tend to be sold as an upgrade, more an OEM build. So it would be deisnged for Vs as that was now the brake Shimano sold through the range.
With the odd one having disc tabs (or as an option) for the more rad people and I guess high end full sus bikes.
Looking around it doesn't seem that common for tabs in 1998 on a frame, unless it was top end or theme specific.

But forks are different, they are upgrades so need to hedge their bets, for another year especially with market share. Which I guess worked for them, found they didn't need them and new not to bother for '99.

It's not like they lucked out from a casting error and gain an accidental cult dual disc setup ;-)
I've just put a note to move this to normal chat, I can add the fork pictures to my first post if wanted.
See if anyone else has any ideas, or sold them.
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