Innovations that weren't...

A friend of mine inspired by this article developed a party trick of riding down the stairs in a number of student houses bitd. Of course, handlebars were shorter back then...
Or surfing down them blind drunk on an ironing board, punching holes through the landing plaster. I blame Point Break in 91 🤣

Flexstems are like Marmite but they defo help kill trail buzz. Love my Ti versions.
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would be fun to cock around on, maybe add some ridiculously low gearing and ride up walls. would it understeer like a car?
Had one of the profile ones at the top there.
Completely useless sadly.
A lot like riding a cheap heavy bike with sticky bearings and soft tyres.
Here's a perfect example of us bikes people being patronised by the "automobile and aerospace" engineer, overcoming those "problems" of making cycle frames from drawn tubes.
Heavy, weak and dull.