Innovations that weren't...

But its the epitome of the bicycle dead-end!

It failed to achieve any of the proclaimed benefits, and there was never another mass-market cast frame.

Let's face it, a drawn tube is probably twice the strength at half the weight of an ingot.
Would be interested to see what happens to it if anyone on here picks that Kirk up. I was very tempted but it'd require more cash & time than I've got spare at the moment 👎
A friend of mine inspired by this article developed a party trick of riding down the stairs in a number of student houses bitd. Of course, handlebars were shorter back then...
Or surfing down them blind drunk on an ironing board, punching holes through the landing plaster. I blame Point Break in 91 🤣

Flexstems are like Marmite but they defo help kill trail buzz. Love my Ti versions.
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