I had always considered that
The Townsend Team Professional was the most inappropriate named item in the cycle world, but I think the Drama Coach wheelset might take the title.
Is this the AI takeover I am dreading?
In the mid 90s a friend bought a BSO (Bicycle Shaped Object - an acronym for a really cheap poor quality bike) it was an 18 speed mountain bike and was made from cheese grade steel. It was called the “Caribbean Delight”
It wasn’t from the Caribbean and it was far from Delight(ful)!!!
Can't really go out on a ride with the wife and kids on a cove handjob or stiffee.
Always thought the brand ' wake' was tempting fate. There was another Chinese brand which was something even closer than that, can't remember exactly but something like 'promend'. What would you want to link your brand name to needing repairing by a pro?
I think the winner in this contest by far is the "Helkama White Power". It was a part of the Finnish Helkama bike company's "Power" lineup in the mid 90's, including also Team Power, Pro Power, Big Power, Hot Power, Gold Power, Strong Power, Nice Power, Sweet Power, Mud Power.