For Sale Elastomers for retro suspension forks (front & rear) Plenty different models. Made in Germany.

A full set of Girvin / Pro-Flex revision elastomers including custom made spacers in yellow! ...Off to the happy buyer :-)

Girvin and pro-flex elastomers yellow with spacer by falko schloetel germany proflex.webp
New in the catalogue!

You are buying a brand new refresh / restoration elastomer for Cannondale M60 & P-Bone headshok system. One full size elastomer after original specs. To be inserted into the steel spring.

This purchase contains:

- 1x main-elastomer

Price (February 2025): 19,00 Euros + shipping costs

(picture shows "hard" firmness - other hardnesses available)

cannondale p-bone headshok M60 elastomer bumper by falko schloetel germany proflex.webp
New in the catalogue!

Over the past weeks, several members contacted me for the Joe Murray KONA Z-Link suspension fork. So here it is!

You are buying a brand new refresh / restoration elastomer for KONA Z-Link suspension forks. Elastomers are available in black or yellow (standard colors). Custom colors are possible.

2 different spacer-setups are possible. Depending on which version or build year you have!
Option #1: This purchase contains:

- 3x main-elastomers
- black plastic spacer set

Price (February 2025): 59,00 Euros + shipping costs

Option #2: This purchase contains:

- 3x main-elastomers
- black plastic + aluminium spacer set

Price (February 2025): 75,00 Euros + shipping costs

* This is a pretty costly set - trust me, I know that! All spacers are high quality made. Including aluminium machine work and lathing. No cheap or simple "PLA 3D-print". Those would be possible for less than 1/2 of the price. Please let me know if and which spacer kinds you want.

Note: There are several different versions out there. If you need other elastomer heights or setups, just let me know what I can do for you.

kona joe murray z-link retro suspension fork elastomers bumpers by falko schlötel germany 01.webp

kona joe murray z-link retro suspension fork elastomers bumpers by falko schlötel germany 02.webp

kona joe murray z-link retro suspension fork elastomers bumpers by falko schlötel germany 03.webp
The customer of post no #131 above sent me some images of his project finished with my brand new elastomers. #happy! :-)

Girvin and pro-flex elastomers yellow with spacer by falko schloetel germany proflex_01.webp

Girvin and pro-flex elastomers yellow with spacer by falko schloetel germany proflex_02.webp

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