I get a bit fed up when people join to sell something

its the old "if we all work together we all win thing "

as a mate of mine once pointed out "if we all meet up in a big field once a month and do a swap meet small cash thingi n about 2 years we'd all end
up with most of our stuff back" that was a motorbike thing but you get the idea
I did that a bit. Awfully sorry.

Didn't really mean to but when I found out what the bike was worth I kinda had to. :?
Yeah I sold a nice clock about two years ago and bought it back a few days ago after three other people had owned it :roll: everything goes round it would seem :LOL:
redrabbitrun":2rvxp6kv said:
I did that a bit. Awfully sorry.

Didn't really mean to but when I found out what the bike was worth I kinda had to. :?

No probs mate this is not aimed at anyone in particular,just a trifle annoying thats all.

A bit like when someone walks into a jewellers shop and trys for a free valuation with no intention of ever buying anything :roll: :LOL:
marin man":3d135jf9 said:
A bit like when someone walks into a jewellers shop and trys for a free valuation with no intention of ever buying anything :roll: :LOL:

But presumably they would potentially then sell their newly valued item at said value to jeweller...particularly if jeweller has offered a fair price and uses his skills to seal the deal?

If newbies didnt come on here to sell stuff, we would have a lot less to go around.
How many members name do you regularly see in the forum? 100?/200?
There's your member base.
Valuations do not work like that , people ask for a valuation for insurance then come back two weeks later with the valuation you gave them and try to con you into buying the item at the valuation value....forgetting that you have to work a profit in there somewhere :roll:

anyway that is a different story,people who contribute nothing,just take,annoy me...sorry.
I think youre missing the point though, they have contributed, they sold thier retro goodies to us before offering them anywhere else!

then they disappear into the sunset with thier non-retro ways, leaving us to retro on another day