I get a bit fed up when people join to sell something

lewis1641":1xnwn9of said:
It really doesn't affect me at all. If they join simply to sell their stuff then fair play to then for doing a bit of research and finding a place their target market hang out. At least we then get the opportunity to buy the stuff before the great unwashed get their grubby mits on it.

Well said. If someone wants to sell something retro best it end up in the "community".
I was looking for bits for an old GT...

The skip find thing.... Its a little troubling for me as I have found oodles of quality kit (and a lot of shite) and have kept some but flogging it seems the only sensible thing to do. It gives the RB members cheap stuff, funds my purchases of other members stuff and keeps the whole merry-go-round running.
kaytronika":1d7w8qoi said:
Oh yeah, and people seem a lot more laid back here than on other forums.

Oh really???

It ENRAGES me that you say that!

I am literally losing my cool over that remark.


If you search for info on any bike that is featured on here you will find the site, and once you do you cannot fail to notice the Ebay/Marketplace watch section and then realise this is a great place to sell things.

I have not sold anything on here, but I have bought a few bits and bobs linked from the site that I may have missed otherwise.

This particular area of interest is like collection classic vinyl.

Buying, and selling, is intrinsic.

Would seem odd not to put an appropriate item up for sale here just because you are a newbie.

You are basically offering first dibs to people who may really appreciate it.

yeah just not when its got a 300% mark up and they argue the toss that its 'worth it' :evil:
heres where you can get a free ipod..... :p

i found the place whilst recuperating after making a mess of my right foot...was sat on ebay all day looking for bits cheap and saw the link to here...damn white ball gets me everytime i leave.......

What have I started...I just wondered what you guys thought about newbies who post up overpriced junk because they think that we are wet behind the ears......or who ask for advice and then massively mark something up after revealing what they paid for it :roll: I find it irritating thats all,Thanks for the insights though guy's
I get what you are saying, but how about if...

I find a nice old frame at a car boot.

I look up for info and get pointed here..

I join to be able to post and find out I got a steal for £50, and thus decide to sell it for £200 as they go for that.

Should I not wish to make a profit? Is it immoral?

How about all the times I bought something for £50 and found they were worth £10 online?

Swings and roundabouts so they say.

I am not even sure I would be bothered if the person had asked lots and got lots of advice, giving advice is good for us all as well as the recipient.

Yes I get the point,I have to make a profit and that is called business,not a hobby....anyway,my question has been answered
I have spent a lot of time helping people fix things in my life, and giving information and advice freely.

I tend to sell things only if I need to, and I like to pass them on for a fair price.

That involves making some, losing some.

It doesn't make it a business, just means I can afford a few more hobbies.
