How does Karma work ?

dyna-ti":34twlwx1 said:
I got gifted a fork,then in turn gifted a different fork to someone else.I no longer need the original fork as the steerer is too short for this new frame.

Do i sell,or gift?
I'm for selling but at a below market price price :?

Keep it, if the opportunity comes along pass it on.
I've seen items I've given away on here being listed for sale on here.

Yes the parts are no longer mine, but its hardly a great incentive to karma any more bits is it?

Personally I would never take anything I wasn't planning to use, however that is not always the case on here.

I usually make an effort to donate to the gifters favourite charity, especially if they cover the postage.
kaiser":2hq1327w said:
dyna-ti":2hq1327w said:
I got gifted a fork,then in turn gifted a different fork to someone else.I no longer need the original fork as the steerer is too short for this new frame.

Do i sell,or gift?
I'm for selling but at a below market price price :?

Keep it, if the opportunity comes along pass it on.

Double karma you mean :shock:

OO..ER ,dunno ,ive a reputation to uphold :lol: :lol:
Hey I didn't want a row :) ..just wanted to now how karma worked in rbuk ?

won't stop me offering it
Quite often when I karma something on RB it's because I'm sick of the sight of it and would rather it was being put to good use on someone else's bike :lol: I can't be the only one that relishes a good clearout, can I...?

Bottom line is it's up to the karma-er how they feel about it, it always seems to depend on the situation. Personally though, if it was a high value item I would be extremely hacked off if I gave it away and saw it on eGay the following day...
highlandsflyer":35j98blr said:
This is not what real karma is about.

You give not expecting to receive, nor to control what the recipient does with what you give.

You have no reason to be offended if they sell it, if that is of benefit to them then your original intention was satisfied.

If you wished to retain control then retain ownership.


If I was given something and then used it to finish off a bike I then sold, would I have to estimate the value added by that item and return the same in karma to appease the angry mob?

Once you have given, you have given.

I do understand how it would seem were someone to do this routinely with such things they receive. That would be twattish, and you can rest assured this will attract no good karma to them.

When I give something to someone it is for the pleasure of giving.

Totally agree with that, this is my definition of karma too.
"hay crabman"
"hay earl"

What influences karmic consequences?
We are told that there are five conditions that modify the "weight" of karma -- three are subjective and two objective.

The three subjective conditions are

(a) persistence or repetition of the action
(b) wilful intent on doing the action, and
(c) absence of any regret.
The objective conditions are

(d) the quality and
(e) degree of indebtedness incurred towards the one at which the action is directed.

mmm the absence of any regret!