How come I end up being the bad guy...


The other half and the neighbour have made up

I still have to apologise and the row started up again as soon as I got in the door despite my determination to remain placid

I, that is me, is still the villain in all of this.

The husband of the BMW driver is 'livid' apparently. I say bring it on, I am ready to tear at least two phone books in half. Page by page if I have to

The sad part in all this now I no longer want to live here but am dreading the process of moving house but also feel that I'm being forced out by the cliqueness of it all. I don't fit in with their view on what a resident should be.
Now, writing this bit down just for my own peace of mind - apparently I made a grab for the door handle and tried to get in the car - something that certainly didnt happen as I just stayed at the top of the drive

I can just imaging a hysterical me screaming and making a lunge at a bmw...



*and and and! I clapped them off the drive


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Jeepers, it's getting to the point that your going to need to video record the interactions between yourself and the neighbour from hell just so you have proof of what actually happened. No doubt that would enrage him further though.

I have an unpleasant neighbour that has upset nearly everyone in our village, but luckily everyone just ignores him and/or tells him to f--- off and he isn't brave enough/stupid enough to do anything more than blow hot air.
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I think it's time to bunker down and wait for it to blow over. Especially as there are apparently at least two very different accounts of what happened. I'm baffled why your missus has sided with the neighbour. I'd have to hold mine down to prevent her going full-on nuclear war and threatening to cut people's heads off were I in a similar situation. My missus has faults, but lack of loyalty isn't one of them.

I'm equally baffled why a polite request to ask someone to move their car up their drive a little has resulted in this.

In case this escalates, now is the time to keep a diary of who said what to who and times/dates etc. Video record any future interactions if you can (although that is unlikely to de-escalate the situation).
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I, that is me, is still the villain in all of this.

The husband of the BMW driver is 'livid' apparently. I say bring it on, I am ready to tear at least two phone books in half. Page by page if I have to

The sad part in all this now I no longer want to live here but am dreading the process of moving house but also feel that I'm being forced out by the cliqueness of it all. I don't fit in with their view on what a resident should be.
You're the 'villain'. Big mistake! You've got nothing to lose. Buy that Roberts, Xizang, Klein, whatever while your standing can't sink much lower.

Why did the husband buy his other half a pimp's car?
I feel for you LGF. Even if I was 100% convinced I was in the right, my anxiety would suppress any feelings of righteousness I might have, in such a situation

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