Have we done home brewing yet?

I think i have been successful. Left it to ferment in airing cupboard for maybe 3-4 weeks and it is definitely cider like.

Strained it three times throygh an old shirt and bottled it, adding 1/2tsp of sugar for some fizz. Certainly the one bottle i tried is quite fizzy and sweeter than id like.

Will attempt drinking one this coming weekend.

Airing cupboard is far too warm*. You should be fermenting between 18 to 24C for best results, normal room temperature. I leave my beers and ciders to ferment for a minimum of 21 days then keg / bottle for (room temp one week) secondary fermentation / (cooler two weeks) conditioning often much longer.

Only had one mishap when I under filled a batch of lager in bottles. Left too much gap between the top of the liquid and cap which caused it to over-carbonate. No matter how carefully you opened the cap the sediment would erupt upwards ruining the beer.

Currently fermenting some NZ bitter and NZ cider.
Conditioning Honey Porter and Sundew golden ale
Drinking Wherry bitter and Belgian Saison Ale

*Fermenting too hot can cause the yeast to produce a funky taste and odour. Not nice and a waste of beer / time.

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