GUESS WHAT IT WAS, B3 guessed it:First MuddyFox INTERACTIVE!

I don't know the story but the model you pictured is a later version of the proto i pictured. To sum it up, it was supposed to absorb shocks whith both wheels moving at the same time (if the front wheel moved the rear wheel would move too). Front and rear suspension linked together, touted as Formula one technology (we still hear this today don't we?).
I recall tubed models (instead of monocoque style) but only saw them in catalogs.
You will have to ask this on retrocars if it exists, i don't know : 2CV with Formula 1 technology, i don't know why Muddy Fox didn't take 2 CV as a reference then.
Aaah marketing mysteries :roll: :?
from Wikipedia:

The 1948 2CV featured:

four wheel independent suspension that was inter-connected front to rear on the same side,

The interconnection transmitted some of the force deflecting a front wheel up over a bump, to push the rear wheel down on the same side. When the rear wheel met that bump a moment later, it did the same in reverse, keeping the car level front to rear. This made the suspension more responsive, enabling the 2CV to indeed be driven at speed over a ploughed field
Good find. Too bad Muddy Fox didn't refer to it as 2CV Technology, the interactive would still be alive today.
Cool bike Fred, the front end looks similar, in principle, to those Whyte Preston bikes from a couple of years ago.......what goes around comes around.....maybe it wasn't a bad idea after all.
my biggest regret is not buying a mint one of those for £150 in a cash converters a few years ago. Sadly I was strapped at the time and couldn't afford it :(


The ride is not great, they feel a bit weird & if I recall correctly the combinedvbreaking dive/jack was terrible!